Jednou z dominant letošního edičního plánu Supraphonu je světová premiéra historicky tak nepřehlédnutelného díla, jakým je korunovační opera Sub olea pacis největšího českého barokního skladatele Jana Dismase Zelenky (1679-1745). K velkolepé pražské korunovaci habsburského panovníka Karla VI. českým králem roku 1723 se připojili i pražští jezuité, když si u nejslavnějšího žijícího českého skladatele a navíc svého odchovance objednali velkolepou hudební fresku. Skladatel jejich přání s radostí vyhověl a dokonce své dílo přijel do Prahy nastudovat, a můžeme dnes říci, že se mu jeho tvůrčí pokus bezezbytku vyvedl. Více než hodinu a půl trvající skladba je jedním z nejlepších plodů barokní estetiky a navíc - po formální stránce - jednou ze čtyř úplně dochovaných tzv. školských her.
"Secret" is a wonderful album to the novice Anna Maria Jopek fan. Most, if not all songs are sung in English, she does several covers on this album such as "Cherry Tree", "Thousand Years" and "Moondance". Certainly this album has led me to purchase other's of her's sung in her native Polish. I have to say the nature of the language makes no difference, Anna Maria is fabulous in Polish, even though I don't understand a word she's singing, her emotions shine through regardless.
Originally released in 2002 in Europe and Japan, Upojenie (Ecstasy) is a collaboration between Pat Metheny and superstar Polish vocalist Anna Maria Jopek. It came into being after Jopek approached the guitarist at a jazz festival in Warsaw in 2001. Her original idea was to perform some of her own work, some of Metheny's, and some Polish folk songs (exactly what happened). The collaboration was recorded over four months in Poland; it is something wholly other than the sum of its parts might suggest. Co-produced by composer Marcin Kydrynski (Jopek's husband) and Metheny.
A monographic record of one of the greatest Polish composers of postmodern time - Paweł Szymański. The compositions recorded here perfectly define his compositional idiom, which consists mainly of two elements: a heterophonic texture and a specific technique of surconventionalism (composer's definition), consisting in revealing only parts of the musical narrative, so that the listener must reconstruct the whole by imaginary force. The tracks are characterized by a "ragged" rhythmic course and a wealth of color means. As a result, Szymański's unusually expressive, original style is perfectly recognizable to anyone who has ever met his music.