“Balagan” offers a captivating journey through a diverse array of musical landscapes, showcasing the exquisite interplay between clarinet, violin, and piano. At its heart lies Paul Schoenfield’s Trio, a vibrant and energetic composition that weaves together elements of classical, jazz, and folk music with masterful precision.
“Balagan” offers a captivating journey through a diverse array of musical landscapes, showcasing the exquisite interplay between clarinet, violin, and piano. At its heart lies Paul Schoenfield’s Trio, a vibrant and energetic composition that weaves together elements of classical, jazz, and folk music with masterful precision.
“Balagan” offers a captivating journey through a diverse array of musical landscapes, showcasing the exquisite interplay between clarinet, violin, and piano. At its heart lies Paul Schoenfield’s Trio, a vibrant and energetic composition that weaves together elements of classical, jazz, and folk music with masterful precision.
A caravan departing from Azerbaijan reaches the Eastern parts of the Anatolian peninsula , then the Aegean Sea and the shores of Tunisia and Southern Italy. Greek dances perfumed of Otoman sensuality fast , obsessive Rom rhythms, Klezmer tunes with Balkan perfumes . Taksim and traditional Kurdish music in which echoes Caucasus and Persian sounds.