BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the 24.0.1 of its software suite. Closely following up the official release of 24.0.0, the first bug-fix release of series 24.x.x comes timely to address identify issues and assist in the transition to the new series.
BETA CAE Systems is thrilled to announce the release of the major version 25.0.0 of its product line for ANSA, EPILYSIS, META, KOMVOS, as well as RETOMO, FATIQ, and ANSERS.
BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the 23.0.1 of its software suite. The first bug-fix release of 23.x.x series comes to support the plethora of new tools and features, introduced recently with the version 23.0.0.
BETA CAE Systems is thrilled to announce the release of the major version 22.0.0 of its product line. With solutions for every stage of the product development process, the new version offers all means to manage the emerging, increased complexity in engineering simulation.
BETA CAE Systems is excited to announce the release of the highly anticipated major version 24.0.0 of its product line, featuring ANSA, EPILYSIS, META, KOMVOS, and FATIQ.
BETA CAE Systems is thrilled to announce the release of the major version 22.0.1 of its product line. The first bug-fix release of v22.x.x series comes as a follow up to your interest and feedback on the recently introduced major version, and hosts numerous fixes in recently detected issues.
BETA CAE Systems is thrilled to announce the release of the major version 23.0.0 of its product line. The new version includes a vast range of upgrades and performance improvements for existing workflows, as well as new features to unlock further potential for engineering simulation in design and analysis.
BETA CAE Systems has issued version 20.1.0 of the ANSA/EPILYSIS/META software suite. The 20.1.0 release features more efficient process streamline and acceleration, as it includes noteworthy enhancements in the recently introduced functionality of v20x series, coupled with new features.
ESTECO has launched modeFRONTIER 2019 R1 is a multidisciplinary and multi-objective software written to allow easy coupling to any computer aided engineering (CAE) tool. modeFRONTIER refers to the so-called “Pareto Frontier”: it’s the ideal limit beyond which every further implementation compromises the system; in other words, it represents the set of best solutions possible.
The Dynardo GmbH, a developer software for CAE-based sensitivity analysis, multidisciplinary optimization and robustness evaluation in virtual product development, civil engineering and geomechanics, has released 6.1.0 version of ANSYS opiSLang. This software provides leading technology for parametric and persistent CAD and CAE modeling for simulation driven product development.