Die Hamburger Jazzszene ihre Vielfalt und Lebendigkeit bringen so manchen Musikliebhaber zum Schwärmen. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fanden sich in der Stadt an der Elbe hunderte spielhungriger Bands zusammen, für die bald auch unzählige Auftrittsorte entstanden. Der Cotton Club oder Dennis Swing Club wer kennt sie nicht? Für die Fans des Hamburger Jazz und alle, die mehr darüber erfahren möchten, entstand diese umfangreiche Kollektion. In Wort, Bild und Ton wird der Werdegang einer einmaligen Szene lebendig: von der Zeit, als die Hafenstadt in Trümmern lag, bis hin zum Sound von heute. Sie halten ein Set in Händen, das aus 18 CDs und einem 300 Seiten starken Buch besteht.
60 years of music and culture history on 18 CD's with 300 pages thick book. The Hamburg Jazz Scene - their diversity and vitality bring so many music lovers swoon . After the Second World War found themselves in the city on the Elbe hundreds of hungry bands play together , created for the soon also countless venues . The Cotton Club or Dennis ' Swing Club - who does not? For the fans of the Hamburg Jazz and all those who want to learn more about this comprehensive collection has been developed .
First Lessons on Banjo is an ultra-easy instruction manual for beginning five-string banjo played in the three finger style in G tuning. It can be used by those with no previous experience with the banjo or music of any sort. It is so basic it can be used even by small children. The book features very detailed descriptions of even the most basic aspects such as wearing the picks properly, the correct picking motion, and noting the strings properly. These are aspects that are so basic most manuals skip over them.
Through his books, videos, classes and workshops, Pete (Dr. Banjo) Wernick has probably gotten more people playing bluegrass banjo than just about anyone. His video, "Beginning Bluegrass Banjo, " has been one of Homespun’s most popular titles since it was issued in 1986. Now we are re-releasing it in DVD format, making it easier than ever for new players to get started.
A compilation of important recordings by clarinettist Fud Livingston, a neglected jazzman of the 1920s and 1930s who recorded with Bix Beiderbecke, Red Nichols, Ben Pollack, Jimmy Dorsey and other luminaries. Extensive liner notes by Brad Kay tell the tragic but, at the same time, joyful story of Fud's life and music. Includes a previously-unreleased recording by Ben Pollack from 1924.
Five of the best southern territory bands of the 1920s are represented on this intriguing CD: Blue Steele, Slim Lamar, Mart Britt, Sunny Clapp, and Phil Baxter. The only sidemen who became known a little bit later on were cornetist Tony Almerico, clarinetist Sidney Arodin, and pianist Terry Shand (with guests Hoagy Carmichael and guitarist Roy Smeck), but the musicianship is pretty decent and the music generally swings well. Serious 1920s jazz collectors will want this CD, which is full of worthy obscurities.
English Electric Part One is the seventh studio album by the English progressive rock band Big Big Train. It was released on 3 September 2012, by English Electric Recordings and GEP. English Electric Part One and English Electric Part Two were originally released as separate albums in 2012 and 2013. English Electric Part Two received a nomination for Best Album in the 2013 Progressive Music Awards and the band went on to win the Breakthrough Artist award.