This recording marks the beginning of the collaboration between the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and its new music director, the French conductor Alain Altinoglu, who conducts the leading European and American orchestras and has made a reputation for himself in every repertory – not forgetting opera at Salzburg, Bayreuth, and La Monnaie in Brussels, where he is music director. Their first disc pays tribute to a composer whose bicentenary is celebrated in 2022, César Franck, with the famous Symphony in D minor and two less well-known works, presented in new editions: the symphonic poem Le Chasseur maudit (1882) and the large-scale symphonic interlude from the oratorio Rédemption, composed in 1872 after the Paris Commune, performed here in its first version, long considered lost.
This recording marks the beginning of the collaboration between the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and its new music director, the French conductor Alain Altinoglu, who conducts the leading European and American orchestras and has made a reputation for himself in every repertory – not forgetting opera at Salzburg, Bayreuth, and La Monnaie in Brussels, where he is music director. Their first disc pays tribute to a composer whose bicentenary is celebrated in 2022, César Franck, with the famous Symphony in D minor and two less well-known works, presented in new editions: the symphonic poem Le Chasseur maudit (1882) and the large-scale symphonic interlude from the oratorio Rédemption, composed in 1872 after the Paris Commune, performed here in its first version, long considered lost.
François-Xavier Roth, not this time with his ‘period’ ensemble Les Siècles but with the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, conducts a performance of César Franck’s Le chasseur maudit that has dramatic thrust, demonic intensity and clearly defined textural detail as well. There is a very real sense, in listening to this performance, that Roth and his orchestra have the dark narrative in their very blood, so that its frenzy, its tensions and the cursed hunter’s wild chase towards death come vividly before the mind’s eye.
Véritable force de la nature, "P'tit" Mpayipheli s'est refait une vie honorable après sa mise au chômage par les services secrets sud-africains lorsque la fille d'un vieux camarade de lutte lui demande son aide : son père a été enlevé et ses ravisseurs menacent de le tuer si elle ne leur livre pas la rançon bien particulière qu'ils exigent. …
Quinze ans après la disparition de sa petite amie, Ronan retourne dans sa Bretagne natale dans l'intention de se venger du chasseur qui l'a tuée. Son plan se déroule bien, mais une rencontre inattendue vient jeter le trouble dans son esprit.
Coup de coeur de Françoise Bourdin prix Femme actuelle 2022. …
Retraçant les grandes évolutions de notre mode de vie, l'auteur interroge les conséquences de la sédentarisation de l'homme par rapport à son identité originelle de chasseur-cueilleur. Certains maux modernes tels que le stress, la solitude, la dépression, les troubles alimentaires et les addictions seraient peut-être survenus à cause de la perte de lien avec cette nature profonde. …