A celebration of all things noisy and extreme, featuring tracks from My Bloody Valentine, Yoko Ono, Neu!, The Fall, King Crimson, Jonny Greenwood, Sunn O))) and more!
Another quality Time-Life music collection with 500 originals from the period 1955-1964, the so called "Rock'n'Roll Era". In addition of this wonderful classics' parade, you will acquire a R'n'R encyclopedia, since each CD comes with an extensive description and historical data, in a 6 page booklet, scanned at 600 dpi. Enjoy excellent music and artwork.
Another quality Time-Life music collection with 500 originals from the period 1955-1964, the so called "Rock'n'Roll Era". In addition of this wonderful classics' parade, you will acquire a R'n'R encyclopedia, since each CD comes with an extensive description and historical data, in a 6 page booklet, scanned at 600 dpi. Enjoy excellent music and artwork.
Lange Zeit arbeitete er mit Michael Weisser zusammen, mit dem er insgesamt 14 Alben auf dem vom Elektroniksolisten Klaus Schulze gegründeten Label IC/Innovative Communication veröffentlichte, zuerst unter dem Namen Mergener & Weisser, dann unter dem Namen Software. Die Musikformation Software setze sich konzeptionell mit dem aufkommenden Thema „Computerkultur“ auseinander. Software-Cover und das Artwork aller Tonträger (LP, MC, CD) zeigen Grafiken von Computerkünstlern wie MAPART (Heinz-Otto Peitgen), Herbert W. Franke, Jürgen Brickmann, Able Image Research, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Nelson L. Max, David Sherwin, Andy Kopra, Mental Images.
101: Rock 'n' Roll features five discs of biggest tracks from the legends of rock 'n' roll history. In this box-set you can find the hits by Buddy Holly, Fats Domino, Bo Diddley, Duane Eddy, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash and many more.
Another serious project in vein of Time Life Music, the "24 Golden Hits" is a compilation series of the world famous hits, released on CD circa 1987-1988. Here is the complete series packed into five boxes and each box was re-released separately. Each Volume-set contains the five discs and titled as "120 Golden Oldies". 600 "Golden" songs total and over than one day of the continuous listening!
Another serious project in vein of Time Life Music, the "24 Golden Hits" is a compilation series of the world famous hits, released on CD circa 1987-1988. Here is the complete series packed into five boxes and each box was re-released separately. Each Volume-set contains the five discs and titled as "120 Golden Oldies". 600 "Golden" songs total and over than one day of the continuous listening!