Differentielle Geometrie

Eléments de géométrie différentielle - Ahmed Lesfari  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by iBooker at Nov. 16, 2024
Eléments de géométrie différentielle - Ahmed Lesfari

Eléments de géométrie différentielle - Ahmed Lesfari
Français | 2018 | ISBN: 2340021561 | True PDF | 387 pages | 58 MB

Les sujets traités interviennent dans plusieurs domaines des mathématiques et sont des outils indispensables aux mathématiciens, physiciens, ingénieurs et autres scientifiques.

Vincent Guedj, "Introduction à la géométrie différentielle"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at July 27, 2023
Vincent Guedj, "Introduction à la géométrie différentielle"

Vincent Guedj, "Introduction à la géométrie différentielle"
2022 | ISBN: 210082984X | Français | PDF | 256 pages | 9.9 MB

Cette introduction explore les invariants intrinsèques fondamentaux qui permettent de comparer les objets géométriques selon plusieurs échelles (infinitésimale, locale, globale). Des exemples et des exercices corrigés aident à maîtriser les notions présentées. …

Fritz Reinhardt, Heinrich Soeder, "Atlas des mathématiques", 4 éd.  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Nov. 11, 2020
Fritz Reinhardt, Heinrich Soeder, "Atlas des mathématiques", 4 éd.

Fritz Reinhardt, Heinrich Soeder, "Atlas des mathématiques", 4 éd.
2002 | ISBN: 2253130133 | Français | PDF | 502 pages | 27.2 MB

Cet atlas souhaite montrer l'évolution de la science arborescente qu'est aujourd'hui la mathématique.
Henri Poincaré fut, dit-on, le dernier mathématicien à posséder tout ce qu'elle représentait à son époque. De nos jours, les rameaux en sont si nombreux que nul ne peut, faute de temps, prétendre tous les connaître. Or, l'ensemble des constructions mathématiques actuelles fournit, outre des objets qui paraissent purement abstraits, des théories indispensables à l'activité humaine de cette fin de siècle …

Séminaire Bourbaki, volume 2015/2016, exposés 1104-1119  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Rare-1 at Oct. 11, 2017
Séminaire Bourbaki, volume 2015/2016, exposés 1104-1119

Societe Mathematique de France , "Séminaire Bourbaki, volume 2015/2016, exposés 1104-1119"
English, French | ISBN: 2856298559 | 30 juin 2017 | PDF | 533 pages | 12.54 MB

This 68th volume of the Bourbaki Seminar contains the texts of the sixteen survey lectures done during the year 2015/2016: analytic number theory, binormal flow and the Schrödinger equation, combinatorics and the independence property in model theory, formal moduli problems, geometric Langlands program, Hilbert-Smith conjecture in differential geometry, Hodge theory of the decomposition theorem, Monge-Ampère equation in complex algebraic geometry, motives and periods, resolution of underdetermined linear systems, sofic entropy, subriemannian geometry, spectral theory.

Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 31, 2025
Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces

Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces by Marcel Berger , Bernard Gostiaux
English | PDF (True) | 1988 | 487 Pages | ISBN : 0387966269 | 34.9 MB

This book consists of two parts, different in form but similar in spirit. The first, which comprises chapters 0 through 9, is a revised and somewhat enlarged version of the 1972 book Geometrie Differentielle. The second part, chapters 10 and 11, is an attempt to remedy the notorious absence in the original book of any treatment of surfaces in three-space, an omission all the more unforgivable in that surfaces are some of the most common geometrical objects, not only in mathematics but in many branches of physics. Geometrie Differentielle was based on a course I taught in Paris in 1969- 70 and again in 1970-71. In designing this course I was decisively influ­ enced by a conversation with Serge Lang, and I let myself be guided by three general ideas. First, to avoid making the statement and proof of Stokes' formula the climax of the course and running out of time before any of its applications could be discussed. Second, to illustrate each new notion with non-trivial examples, as soon as possible after its introduc­ tion. And finally, to familiarize geometry-oriented students with analysis and analysis-oriented students with geometry, at least in what concerns manifolds.

Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces [Repost]  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by ChrisRedfield at Aug. 9, 2017
Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces [Repost]

Marcel Berger, Bernard Gostiaux - Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces
Published: 1987-11-23 | ISBN: 0387966269, 3540966269, 146126992X | PDF | 476 pages | 14.96 MB
Variétés différentielles, physique et invariants topologiques - Franck Jedrzejewski

Variétés différentielles, physique et invariants topologiques - Franck Jedrzejewski
Français | 2023 | ISBN: 2759831426 | True PDF | 373 pages | 5.9 MB
Differential Operators on Manifolds: Lectures given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo

E. Vesentini, "Differential Operators on Manifolds: Lectures given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo "
English | ISBN: 3642111130 | 2010 | 312 pages | PDF | 15 MB