Exposé des notions essentielles relatives aux techniques télé-informatiques permettant de transférer des informations entre les éléments d'un réseau, de partager des ressources ou de gérer des transactions entre systèmes distants. Avec des QCM et des exercices corrigés. Cette édition comporte des informations actualisées : norme USB 3, fibre optique, IPV6, nouvelles normes, etc. …
After the death of Franco in 75, Spain started enjoying a cultural revolution, with the youth expressing themselves in a rocky manner, but a few years behind. Sure there were some rock and jazz-rock groups that took advantage of the last years of the regime, which slowly loosening its strong conservative/fascist grip, because of tourism bringing fresh amounts of cash to a country that was isolated for three decades. But the full explosion of the progressive movement happened in the second half of the decade, and the different regions of Spain, where now making obvious references to their musical traditions.