By Jacques Offenbach. Seeking to exorcise the failure of his current love affair, the poet Hoffmann tells the story of his three past loves - the doll-like Olympia, the high-class courtesan Giulietta, and the ambitious but delicate Antonia - and recalls how each was thwarted by the evil influence of his rival. In this production by the distinguished film director, John Schlesinger, with spectacular designs by Maria Björnson and William Dudley, Offenbach's nightmare world is brought to life. The all-star cast is headed by Placido Domingo as Hoffmann: his three loves are Ileana Cotrubas, Agnes Baltsa and Luciana Serra and the manifestations of his rival are sung by Geraint Evans, Robert Lloyd, Siegmund Nimsgern and Nicola Ghiuselev. The score, which includes such favorites as the "Barcarolle" and the "Doll's Song", is conducted by Georges Prêtre.
In 1956, Bernard Haitink conducted the Concertgebouworkest for the first time and together they would play more than 1,500 concerts across the globe. Besides his modesty, his humanity, his musical taste, and his honesty to the music, three words come to mind when one thinks of Haitink and his orchestra: Sound, Trust and Magic. Jörgen van Rijen, Principal trombone of the Concertgebouworkest, said at a memorial concert in February this year, “Every time with him [Haitink] the orchestra sounded warmer, deeper and richer, from the first moment he started to rehearse. How he did that is difficult to tell … he always gave us musicians the feeling he trusted you, that he was there to help, not to interfere.”
In 1956, Bernard Haitink conducted the Concertgebouworkest for the first time and together they would play more than 1,500 concerts across the globe. Besides his modesty, his humanity, his musical taste, and his honesty to the music, three words come to mind when one thinks of Haitink and his orchestra: Sound, Trust and Magic. Jörgen van Rijen, Principal trombone of the Concertgebouworkest, said at a memorial concert in February this year, “Every time with him [Haitink] the orchestra sounded warmer, deeper and richer, from the first moment he started to rehearse. How he did that is difficult to tell … he always gave us musicians the feeling he trusted you, that he was there to help, not to interfere.”
Le professeur (Abélard), la femme (Héloïse) et le moine (saint Bernard de Clairvaux) : les destins croisés de trois personnages emblématiques du Moyen Âge. …
Le 19 juillet 2014, le journal Le Soir révélait à Bruxelles que selon des estimations américaines, britanniques et belges, la France, la Belgique, le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie, la Pologne et les États-Unis pourraient perdre entre 43 et 50 % de leurs emplois dans les dix à quinze prochaines années. Trois mois plus tard, le Journal du dimanche soutenait que trois millions d’emplois seraient condamnés à disparaître en France au cours des dix prochaines années.
L’automatisation intégrée est le principal résultat de ce que l’on appelle « l’économie des data »…
Listen to the Movies! Musical memory of cinema! Angélique, Marquise of Angels / Michel Magne Soundtracks of the five films in the series Angelica (1964-1968) in 1964, Michel Magne is a talented young composer shaggy, revealed by his collaborations with Roger Vadim (The Rest of the Warrior), Henri Verneuil (A monkey in winter, Melody in the basement) and Georges Lautner (Les Tontons flingueurs). The Christmas 64 years will further consolidate it's status, with the inauguration Simultaneous two successful series: Fantômas and ngelique. This adaptation the novel cycle of Anne and Serge Golon give the actress Michele Mercier opportunity to interpret the role of his life… and that of writing five Magne large orchestral scores, halfway between Baroque music and romantic, worn by a big lyrical theme in the form of portrait of the heroine. " It is a theme that tells Angelique, said the composer. That is to say a woman who is fighting desperately for his love. "Thanks in particular to TV replays, the Angelique among the most famous scores Magne… but, paradoxically, had never been fully edited.