The album 1996 contains 12 pieces arranged for violin (Everton Nelson, David Nadien, or Barry Finclair), cello (Jaques Morelenbaum), and piano (Ryuichi Sakamoto), including both new compositions and music used in the soundtracks to The Last Emperor, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, The Sheltering Sky, and High Heels. The music is for the most part restrained and reflective, as Sakamoto makes use of the contrasting timbres of the chamber instrumentation, mixing melodic and rhythmic effects soothingly (the exceptions being the more quick-moving "M.A.Y. in the Backyard" and "1919," which uses a barely audible voice and staccato playing to stirring effect).
Again, the folks from Polytoxicomane Philharmonie come up with a totally cool and amazing packaging to go long with their psychedelic space trip music and vibe. This is such an amazing record for sure one of the best that was released in 2009! This band just keeps getting better and better. The opening 14 minute track has all the elements mixed into one that tell you the story of this CD… the jazzy sax, the strange samples, the male and female vocals, and good hard rocking psychedelic rock as well. Fine Animal Gorilla is next and an amazing track that starts with some great guitar work and fades into the next part with a great spacey vibe. It reminds of Gong but this band is doing it’s own unique version of kraut-space-jazz rock…