Guardian 2016

Misfits of Avalon v02 - The Ill-Made Guardian (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire

Misfits of Avalon v02 - The Ill-Made Guardian (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire
CBR | 197.2 MB
Misfits of Avalon v02-The Ill-Made Guardian 2016 digital Son of Ultron

Misfits of Avalon v02-The Ill-Made Guardian 2016 digital Son of Ultron
CBR | 197.2 MB
Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra - Legacy Of The Dark Lands (2019)

Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra - Legacy Of The Dark Lands (2019)
EAC | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
2CD | Nuclear Blast, 27361 46930 | ~ 905 or 338 Mb | Artwork(jpg) -> 75 Mb
Symphonic Power Metal

Undisputed kings of symphonic power metal BLIND GUARDIAN have been beavering away at a brand new project, and it is finally here for all to enjoy. But know this, true believers: the new project isn’t the same epic power metal band we know and love. It is, instead, the BLIND GUARDIAN TWILIGHT ORCHESTRA. It’s a whole new thing, and in collaboration with celebrated German fantasy author Markus Heitz, they have brought to light a fantasy tale of epic proportions in the form of Legacy of the Dark Lands…
Paco de Lucia & John McLaughlin - Paco And John Live At Montreux 1987 (2016) [2CD+Bonus DVD9}

Paco de Lucia & John McLaughlin - Paco And John Live At Montreux 1987 (2016) {2CD+Bonus DVD9}
EAC rip (secure mode) | FLAC (tracks)+CUE+LOG -> 524 Mb | MP3 @320 -> 197 Mb
DVD9 -> 6.21 Gb | All Regions | NTSC 4:3 | Dolby AC3, 2 ch / Dolby AC3, 6 ch / DTS, 6 ch | ~ 91 min | ISO Image
Full Artwork @ 600 dpi (jpg) -> 117 Mb | 5% repair rar
© 1987, 2016 Eagle Vision / Universal | EAGDV059
Jazz / World Music / Flamenco / Guitar

John McLaughlin & Paco de Lucia: Paco and John - Live at Montreux 1987 it's truly a shame that, all too often, artists with diverse careers become pigeon-holed, defined by the primary genre in which they first achieved notoriety. Take guitarist John McLaughlin, for instance. Ask most jazz fans about him and what will first come out of most of their mouths will include either the words "fusion," "jazz-rock" and/or Miles Davis, in any permutation/combination (not that there's anything wrong with that). Those a little further in the know might also be aware of his longstanding investigation into the nexus of eastern and western music with his Indo-collaboration, Shakti.

Pretty Guardian. Sailor Moon (serie completa)  Comics

Posted by Coda at Oct. 5, 2024
Pretty Guardian. Sailor Moon (serie completa)

Pretty Guardian. Sailor Moon (serie completa)
Panini México, 2015-16 | Spanish | CBR | 12 tomos (Completo) | 3.80 GB Total
Manga de Naoko Takeuchi
Géneros: Aventura, Fantasía, Fantástico, Femenino, Juvenil, Shojo

La vida de Usagi Tsukino es como la de cualquier chica de secundaria: duerme, juega videojuegos, come sin pudor y está rodeada de amigos. Sin embargo, la aparición de Luna, una gatita negra, cambia radicalmente su existencia. Ahora sabe que es una guardiana que debe velar por el bienestar de su princesa, del "Legendario cristal de plata" y de la Tierra. Afortunadamente, no estará sola en esta encomienda. Descubre en este maravilloso primer tomo a sus aliados y enemigos.

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.005 Multilingual  Software

Posted by melt_ at Sept. 30, 2024
Guardian Of Data Professional 3.005 Multilingual

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.005 Multilingual | 6.7 Mb

Anyone who writes and sends confidential documents often faces the problem of protecting them from prying eyes. With Guardian Of Data, this becomes a breeze. Using AES encryption (Rijndael Encryption Algorithm), you can protect any type of document so that it can only be read after entering the correct password! With its up to 256-bit encryption, the software meets current security standards.

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.005 Multilingual  Software

Posted by melt_ at Sept. 30, 2024
Guardian Of Data Professional 3.005 Multilingual

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.005 Multilingual | 6.7 Mb

Anyone who writes and sends confidential documents often faces the problem of protecting them from prying eyes. With Guardian Of Data, this becomes a breeze. Using AES encryption (Rijndael Encryption Algorithm), you can protect any type of document so that it can only be read after entering the correct password! With its up to 256-bit encryption, the software meets current security standards.

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.006 Multilingual  Software

Posted by melt_ at Jan. 29, 2025
Guardian Of Data Professional 3.006 Multilingual

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.006 Multilingual | 6.7 Mb

Anyone who writes and sends confidential documents often faces the problem of protecting them from prying eyes. With Guardian Of Data, this becomes a breeze. Using AES encryption (Rijndael Encryption Algorithm), you can protect any type of document so that it can only be read after entering the correct password! With its up to 256-bit encryption, the software meets current security standards.

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.006 Multilingual Portable  Software

Posted by Magictor at Jan. 29, 2025
Guardian Of Data Professional 3.006 Multilingual Portable

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.006 Multilingual Portable | 19 Mb

Anyone who writes and sends confidential documents often faces the problem of protecting them from prying eyes. With Guardian Of Data, this becomes a breeze. Using AES encryption (Rijndael Encryption Algorithm), you can protect any type of document so that it can only be read after entering the correct password! With its up to 256-bit encryption, the software meets current security standards.

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.004  Software

Posted by melt_ at June 1, 2024
Guardian Of Data Professional 3.004

Guardian Of Data Professional 3.004 | 6.7 Mb
Languages: Deutsch

Unter Verwendung des Rijndael Encryption Algorithm verschlüsselt Guardian Of Data Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Dokumente mit 256-Bit und kombiniert dies optional mit ZLib-, BZip- oder PPM-Komprimierung - so schützen Sie Ihre Daten nicht nur vor den Blicken neugieriger Dritter, sondern verringern gleichzeitig den benötigten Festplattenspeicher Ihres Systems auf ein Minimum.