En déployant le Flambeau klikiss au coeur d'une géante gazeuse, la Ligue hanséatique terrienne a ravivé un conflit vieux de 10.000 ans. Depuis, une lutte titanesque opposant hydrogues, faeros et verdani fait rage à travers tout le Bras Spiral de la galaxie. Pris au piège entre ces superpuissances élémentales, les humains et leurs alliés ildirans cherchent désespérement une planche de salut. …
Elysium Theory is based in New York's Hudson River Valley, USA, formed in 2006 by four talented musicians, Tim Reid on the guitars, Benny Reyes (keyboards), Jeff Fister (bass) and Ted Feeney (drums, percussion). The band states acts such as Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd and Riverside among their influences, and started to explore a sound of their own from these and other influences in their first few years. In 2009 Dan Peterson (vocals) joined the band, and not long after they started recording material for a future release. Elysium Theory issued their debut album "Modern Alchemy" in May 2010…
Combining sessions that blues pianist Sunnyland Slim and blues guitarist Johnny Shines recorded separately on the same day in Chicago in 1968 for the Blue Horizon imprint, this interesting little set shows two blues veterans doing what it was they did, which was, in part, to push and pull the Delta blues one small step closer to being in the modern urban world. The Slim sides, several of which are new to digital disc, are a bit more interesting than the Shines sides, but only by degree. Slim's songs can appear on the surface to be tossed-off exercises in the usual blues clichés, but they were actually carefully written, while Shines worked similar territory, giving old blues figures a slightly ironic twist. Since both played at one time or another with Robert Johnson, and both straddle the old and new worlds of the blues as it transfigured into an electric and urban form, it makes perfect sense to stick these two sessions together in one package.