A storm of passaggi to echo the virtuosity of the cornettists of Renaissance Italy who exalted their instrument, of which Andrea Inghisciano is one of the most sought-after contemporary exponents (listen, for example, to the disc ‘La Morte della Ragione’ with Il Giardino Armonico). Here, along with the keyboard player María González, he presents a programme bursting with diminutions, whether written or improvised: from the acrobatics of Francesco Rognoni and Dario Castello to the sweetness of Luzzasco Luzzaschi and Giovanni Battista Bovicelli, by way of Girolamo Dalla Casa, who, while recommending performers to ‘do few things, but do them well’, amazes us with his exuberant writing, with rapid cascades of notes as arduous to play as they are fascinating to listen to. This duo recital is the recording debut of the ensemble I Cavalieri del Cornetto, which aims to explore the art of diminution in all its forms.
This collection documents the late Prince Far I's (aka Michael Williams) final period with the Trojan label. These are frequently referred to as his best years, despite the fact that Psalms for I and Under Heavy Manners are graded as his finest albums. But it comes down to track-for-track, the dub 12" singles, and the sound system tracks that he cut with one of the greatest bands in the history of reggae, the Arabs – mainly made up of the Roots Radics band with cats like Flabba Holt, Style Scott, Chinna Smith, and Bingy Bunny. Prince Far I's Cry Tough Dub Encounter albums are well known for their visionary quality and stridently spaced out effects. Far I was his own producer from 1977 on, and he did a better job than anybody who had worked with him previously, whether it be Adrian Sherwood, Joe Gibbs, or Bunny Lee. With the exception of the first cut on this two-disc set, "Heavy Manners" produced by Joe Gibbs, the Prince was at the helm for everything else here. Of the 40 selections, four complete albums are represented, and a few singles.
Men I Trust is proud to bring you their highly anticipated new album titled Oncle Jazz. After a year of extensive touring around the globe, Men I trust are now ready to share Oncle Jazz with Their Fans. 23 warm and intricately crafted tracks Featuring the Singles "Tailwhip", "Norton commander", "Seven" and more. "We took our time to craft it with love and we're very proud of how it came together. This album was mixed quietly so it sounds warmer and more natural. Be sure to turn the volume up!" - Men I Trust
Swedish act Råg I Ryggen released one of those nearly-forgotten seventies heavy prog albums whose somewhat mythical reputation causes the original vinyl to fetch too high prices today. As with most albums of this sort, there’s no need to spend that kind of money since it was reissued on CD a few years ago. The band lasted only two years, and you won’t find a whole lot of information about them from most internet or written sources. No matter, they’ve included pretty much their entire biography in the liner notes of the album, which along with the bonus concert tracks makes this CD release something of an anthology as well. Being young and new, it isn’t surprising the band shows evidence of many influences in their music…
Men I Trust is proud to bring you their highly anticipated new album titled Oncle Jazz. After a year of extensive touring around the globe, Men I trust are now ready to share Oncle Jazz with Their Fans. 23 warm and intricately crafted tracks Featuring the Singles "Tailwhip", "Norton commander", "Seven" and more. "We took our time to craft it with love and we're very proud of how it came together. This album was mixed quietly so it sounds warmer and more natural. Be sure to turn the volume up!" - Men I Trust