For those well versed in the mythos of early 80s heavy metal, the name Michael Denner will be inevitably tied to the legacy of Mercyful Fate and the early, highly consequential studio offers of said band’s iconic front man King Diamond in a solo artist capacity. What is perhaps not is well known is that there is a fairly extensive that predates the release of the iconic debut dubbed “Melissa”, one that is heavily steeped in that mixed up era of sonic experimentation in the late 70s where punk, hard rock and heavy metal often converged…
In the 1970s, disco was the biggest selling musical genre in the world. Disco fever spread globally and millions of records were sold. Nearly 50 years on, disco's resurgence and reinvention continues with disco inspired hits in the music charts today. Disco Inferno celebrates this phenomenal era by gathering 100 of the most iconic disco classics of all time.
Biglietto Per L'Inferno returns to the scene of Prog (and more…) with a new album, suggestively entitled "Vivi. Lotta. Pensa." (Live. Fight. Think.).
Once again the band's effort focuses on the recovery of the old Biglietto's tracks from the ’70s, in particular from their second LP "Il tempo della semina"; the tracklist also includes the brand new song “Narciso e Boccadoro” and "L'amico suicida", the latter taken from the legendary eponymous 1974 record…
Considered by many as being one of the best expressions of Italian progressive music. After have been known at the Festival Be-In of Naples (June 1973), they recorded one single album with the same band name, released by Trident, revealing great musical passages mainly using synthesizers. Their debut is considered a small jewel, blending symphonic prog with hard rock. Influences range from Gentle Giant, to Jethro Tull and Banco del Mutuo Soccorso.