Intel Quartus Prime 23.3

Intel Quartus Prime Pro 23.3 (x64)  Software

Posted by Magictor at Oct. 24, 2023
Intel Quartus Prime Pro 23.3 (x64)

Intel Quartus Prime Pro 23.3 (x64) | 15.1 GB

This user guide describes basic concepts and operation of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition design software, including GUI and project structure basics, initial design planning, use of Intel FPGA IP, and migration to Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition. This software provides a complete design environment for the most advanced Intel® Agilex™ , Intel® Stratix® 10, Intel® Arria® 10, and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA and SoC designs.

Intel Quartus Prime Standard/Pro 17.0 with Device Support  Software

Posted by scutter at May 9, 2017
Intel Quartus Prime Standard/Pro 17.0 with Device Support

Intel Quartus Prime Standard/Pro 17.0 with Device Support | 43.5 Gb

Altera, now part of Intel, announced the production release of the new Quartus Prime Pro design software, which further accelerates FPGA design performance and design team productivity.