John Lennon would have turned 67 in 2007. If alive, he could well be at the forefront of bringing peace to Darfur, where more than half a million have died from violence and disease during four years of rebel discord. So to create awareness of the ongoing conflict, Amnesty International (with permission from Yoko Ono) has mined Lennon's solo work and rounded up nearly two dozen current artists to reinterpret the music, which spans the ex-Beatle's entire post-band catalog (plus a pair from while the Fab Four were still in business). As with any attempt to cover Beatles-related music, results are hit and miss, with kudos going to Snow Patrol and the Postal Service for capturing the starkness of "Isolation" and "Grow Old with Me," respectively, Mexican rock band Jaguares for uncovering the fear and fury in "Gimme Some Truth," and (surprise!) Christina Aguilera for nailing the complex composition and mood of "Mother." Other highlights include Jackson Browne's piano-led "Oh My Love," Green Day's louder straight take on "Working Class Hero," and the Black Eyed Peas turning "Power to the People" into a gospelly protest. Will resurrecting 30-to-40-year-old messages of peace and love be enough to help end the brutalities in Darfur? That remains to be seen. But selecting John Lennon as the author of those messages will make people listen and, with this collection, may keep them listening.
Na jarenlang research komen Universal Music en BR Music met de Testament van de Eighties uit de langverwachte opvolger van de succesvolle Sixties en Seventies boxen. Het Testament van de Eighties is wederom een fraai vormgegeven box met 10 cd's, 5 dvd's en een boek.
Containing 31 previously unreleased tracks, this two-CD set highlights the past two decades of LaFave's growth both as a songwriter and as a prime interpreter of Dylan material…
During the years 1994-1996 Time-Life produced a CD & Magazine called "Grooves". Veteran New York City DJ Vin Scelsa was given full control of the project, and a total of 14 wonderful issues were produced. They each highlighted Vin's selections of the best tracks from the best new albums/artists of the time. In addition, the last track on every CD was a bonus acoustic track by one of the featured artists recorded in the studio just for "Grooves". It was the next best thing to listening to Vin's radio show, "Idiot's Delight".
Na jarenlang research komen Universal Music en BR Music met de Testament van de Eighties uit de langverwachte opvolger van de succesvolle Sixties en Seventies boxen. Het Testament van de Eighties is wederom een fraai vormgegeven box met 10 cd's, 5 dvd's en een boek.