Renowned multi Award winning musician and producer Kamal (Engels) is a thoroughly established New Age and World Music artist with a distinct style and sound who has more than a half of a million CD sales to his credit. His production with the Gyuto Monks "Pure Sounds" won a Grammy Nomination in 2011. He is also working with international artists Deva Premal & Miten and Harry Manx. Trained as a classical guitarist, he expanded his studies into the worlds of jazz and rock until the early 80s when he began experimenting with synthesizers and sequencers. Drawing much of his inspiration from the environment, he frequently uses the natural sounds of the Earth and its many inhabitants as primary sounds and themes in his compositions and arrangements…
«Qui sait à quoi ressemble le monde tel que le voit Daech?
J’ai passé plus de douze ans à infiltrer les groupes djihadistes. Ce risque, je l’ai pris pour sensibiliser et informer contre le danger que représente cette idéologie obscurantiste et barbare. J’ai lu, écouté et regardé des centaines d’heures de vidéos de propagande d’al-Qaida puis celles de Daech. J’ai découvert ainsi que Daech traduit, dissèque et analyse chaque reportage, diffusé sur les chaînes occidentales. …
In questo testo, l’autore, Kamal F. Ishak, riesce a confutare la pretesa universalità del Corano, con la sua temporalità e vetustà. Kamal, sapientemente, riesce a sconfessare la “miracolosità” del Corano, e lo fa, comparando opere letterarie, banalità ed assiomi, assurdità e paradossi. Evidenzia tutte le profezie irrealizzabili del Corano…