Giovanni Paisiello was an Italian composer of the Classical era, and was the most popular opera composer of the late 1700s. His operatic style influenced Mozart and Rossini, and his music was championed by Haydn and Beethoven.
On this unique and originally programmed journey, the violist Massimo Piva takes the kind of fantasy journey (Fantasiereise) that forms one of the cornerstones of German Romanticism. It is in the context of highly wrought, fantastic tales that Schumann’s style is formed from a literary point of view: Hoffmann's short stories and Jean Paul's novels, inhabited by bizarre characters and surreal situations, are his polar stars. On the musical side, he had an 18th-century heritage of fantasies by composers such as Mozart or C.P.E. Bach to draw upon, in which the notion of the fantasy is still linked to the Baroque idea of improvisation.
Linn's Vivaldi: L'Amore per Elvira, featuring the English group La Serenissima under the direction of Adrian Chandler, has quite a bit to offer the Vivaldi fancier. First are Chandler's excellent reconstructions of two of the fragmentary "Graz" violin sonatas that have not come down with their continuo parts intact. Chandler has filled in the missing music with entirely satisfactory replacements that appear to be seamlessly Vivaldian, rendering these works into a listenable form for the first time.
One of the most cosmic records from Italy, which combines obvious Canterburian influences, (evoke "Rock bottom" at times), a Zappaïan humorous/collage side and a good dose of space cosmic rock ("Seppia" being quite reminescent of Gong/"You"). Plus a typical Italian style, through a warm pastoral mood. Each piece creates a unique atmosphere."Off" is a delicate evanescent piece. A superb neo canterburyan effort and a must from Italy!
About ten years from the now distant 2007, when the first foundations of this project were laid, one of the current Italian progressive rock scene most important bands, La Coscienza di Zeno, signs for AMS Records; while waiting to give life to their 4th record, they celebrate this event with the release of "Il giro del cappio", a live album recorded on 26 February 2016 in The Netherlands. "Il giro del cappio" consists of seven long and complex tracks for over seventy minutes of music in which, from classical to hard rock, various genres overlap and intertwine with impressive and apparent simplicity. Almost one third of the album is occupied by the suite "Giovane figlia", what could be called the 'Side A' of the band's third album "La notte anche di giorno"; four are the tracks taken from the eponymous 2011 debut, while the concert is opened and closed with two songs from "Sensitività" (2013).