This series was created by Luciano Linzi, artistic director of Casa del Jazz of Rome, was produced in collaboration with publishing group "la Repubblica/L'espresso". The series was published for four consecutive years, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. 41 CDs in all, sold over 1.000.000 copies. The recordings are all original live productions.
Nel 2009 il gruppo La Repubblica-L’espresso presentò Il Caffè Filosofico – La filosofia raccontata dai filosofi, una collana di 16 volumi in cui alcuni studiosi contemporanei (Severino, Ferraris, Odifreddi, Galimberti, Vattimo, Rodotà, De Monticelli, Bodei, Curi, Ciliberto, Rossi, Giorello) raccontano il pensiero dei più grandi filosofi dalle origini ad oggi. …
The Italian newspaper La Repubblica calls him almost the “most talented Bach pianist” in Italy, and Andrea Bacchetti has given concerts internationally on the world’s largest classical music stages. When Bacchetti talks about Bach, he calls his music “his life, his day and his night”. Hardly any other pianist manages to read Bach’s music in such a modern and precise way as the interpreter from Genoa does. On his latest release, he has now devoted himself to the second part of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Well-Tempered Piano Book, one of the key works of the Baroque era, on whose music Bacchetti has specialized for years.
This dramatic opera is associated with one of Mozart’s sojourns in Milan. The Austrian genius was sixteen when he composed this jewel of bel canto dedicated to the general and dictator of Ancient Rome: Lucio Silla made its debut on 26 December 1772, when Mozart was almost seventeen. It was the third opera that he had staged in the Regio Ducal Theatre, Milano. The staging by Marshall Pynkoski, specialized in eighteenth-century operas with particular insights into Baroque dance, drama and gestures, pays ‘attention to detail, making use of scenes and eighteenth-century impeccably decorated costumes designed by a specialist of the genre in film, Antoine Fontaine’ ( ‘The female cast is remarkable’ (La Repubblica).