This album is specially designed to be accessible to the casual or novice world music listener; those who wish to experience the music of a certain part of the world, but perhaps aren't ready to pay the regular price for standard or deluxe albums. The present release is an amiable, deliciously delicate and inspired album with mellow tones, smiling vocals, relaxed earthy, rich vibes and sauntering summer grooves, featuring Ceumar Brazil, Marta Gómez Colombia, Trio Pantango Argentina, Catarina Dos Santos Portugal, Patricia Salas Chile, AKA Trio Fusion and more.
An amiable, deliciously delicate and inspired album with mellow tones, smiling vocals, relaxed earthy, rich vibes and sauntering summer grooves… Featuring Ceumar Brazil, Marta Gómez Colombia, Trio Pantango Argentina, Catarina Dos Santos Portugal, Patricia Salas Chile, AKA Trio Fusion and more…
Where does one begin to praise this CD? The bitter-sweet lyrics, the brilliant intertwining of piano and guitar, the perfect vocal harmonies, the atmospheric texture, the magic of the melodies? "Bringing Rosa Home" is the sixth and strongest CD so far from the English band Latin Quarter. The richness of ideas of joint band- leaders Steve Skaith and Richard Wright is overwhelming, their musical taste undeniable. The twelve pop-songs on their new CD sound smooth and effortless almost as a matter of course. Like all really first-class things.
Black Boots is packed with tunes that will slip into your consciousness forever. Each and every lyric will chime with those of us who've knocked about a little in the world and the tunes support the lyrics impressively…