Accelerate your skills to build a RESTful Web API with ASP.NET Core.
Your one-stop solution to getting started with Node.js
Take your programming skills to the next level with Swift 2
Program applications with Dart 1.0, a language specifically designed to produce better-structured, high-performance applications
A comprehensive guide to fast and efficient functional JavaScript Web Development with Lo-Dash 4.0
Explore and get the best out of MongoDB
Learn the basics behind messaging, a powerful software paradigm that makes it easier to decouple and integrate enterprise applications. In this learning path, messaging expert and architect Mark Richards takes you through messaging fundamentals with the Java Message Service (JMS) API. You’ll learn how to use the JMS 1.1 and 2.0 API to send and receive messages, how to do request/reply processing, how to use message selectors, and how to use publish and subscribe messaging—all through live, interactive coding with ActiveMQ and OpenMQ. You’ll also master more advanced JMS features and techniques, including JMS transaction management, message streaming.
You’re a software developer with a basic understanding of Java and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), but you want to write more productive code that is fast and less verbose. This learning path covers the fundamentals of Clojure, a dynamic, generalpurpose programming language for the JVM. You’ll dive into such topics as Java interoperability, concurrency, interacting with data, and working with collections, along with best practices so you can be on your way to writing Clojure code that is simple, maintainable, and fast. Once you’ve added the skills in this learning path to your programming tool belt, you’ll be ready to move on to more advanced Clojure development challenges.