Released a year after 23 Standards (Quartet) 2003, this second four-disc set doubles the amount of material released from Braxton's tours of Europe in early and late 2003, with the same lineup (Braxton on saxes, Kevin O'Neil on guitar, bassist Andy Eulau, and drummer Kevin Norton), same focus on jazz standards, and even the same dates in some cases. Together, the two four-CD sets released by Leo Records present recordings from ten different European dates (two in February 2003 and eight in November of that year). This second set continues with the editorial approach used in the first one: each disc consists of tracks from different concerts, brought together to make a balanced record.
Hundred Seventy Split are a Blues rock power trio featuring Leo Lyons bassist and founding member of Ten Years After, guitarist /vocalist Joe Gooch and drummer Damon Sawyer. This double live Cd features songs for the first two HSS cd's and Ten Years After classics. Joe Cooch & Leo Lyons - both former members of the band Ten Years After, 2002 - 2013 - formed a great singer-songwriting pair for TYA. Leaving TYA they've stayed together & formed Hundred Seventy Split and, along with regular drummer Damon Sawyer, have produced a high energy blues rock band that you must listen to.
Hundred Seventy Split are a Blues rock power trio featuring Leo Lyons bassist and founding member of Ten Years After, guitarist /vocalist Joe Gooch and drummer Damon Sawyer. The new Hundred Seventy Split Studio-Album has 11 fantastic tracks that will also be performed live on their forthcoming Tour in November. Joe Gooch, Leo Lyons and Damon Sawyer deliver their 3rd studio album full of energetic Bluesrock.
Joe Cooch (Guitar/Vocals) & Leo Lyons (Bass) - both former members of the band Ten Years After, 2002 - 2013 - formed a great singer-songwriting pair for TYA. Leaving TYA they've stayed together & formed Hundred Seventy Split and, along with regular drummer Damon Sawyer, have produced a high energy blues rock band that you must listen to.
After five years of promises, Ten Years After finally release their first live DVD with the new line up, "Live At Fiesta City". Recorded at the Fiesta City Festival in Verviers, Belgium on August 30th 2008, in front of a 5000 capacity crowd, it is a great showcase of the band's talents in a live environment. What you see is exactly what happened that night: no technical doctoring, no overdubs, just TYA at their finest. Included on the DVD as added bonuses are interviews with each band member, biographies, plus a photo montage synchronized to "I Think It's Gonna Rain All Night".
This superbly recorded double disc (the original engineer was Eddie Kramer, best-known for his work with Hendrix) captured over a weekend worth of dates in February 1970 at the venerable New York City venue catches the Brit boogie quartet at the peak of their powers. These shows were sandwiched between their triumphant Woodstock set and the release of Cricklewood Green, generally considered the band's best work. They find the group primed through years of roadwork, as well as obviously excited to be playing in front of an appreciative N.Y.C. crowd…