Saviez-vous que 11 % des étudiants de l’Université de Montréal ont rapporté manquer de nourriture parce qu’ils n’avaient plus d’argent*? Et que 200 étudiants fréquentent, semaine après semaine, la Banque alimentaire de l’UdeM pour arriver à se mettre quelque chose sous la dent? …
I Legion is the musical world of Frederic Riverin, who records and write all the songs at his home in Quebec. Since 2011, Frederic is working with world's best metal singers, such as Björn Strid (Soilwork / The Night Flight Orchestra), Chris Clancy (Mutiny Within), Jon Howard (Threat Signals / Imonolith) and many more, in order to create his vision of timeless metal and rock anthems. Also joined by a legion of great guitarist like Matt Perrin (Angelmaker), Jake Kiley (Strung Out), Angel Vivaldi, Andy James and lot more, the musicianship of this project is taken to another level. With now three albums under its belt, I Legion is an undeniable metal force in the underground metal scene.
Piezo is an emerging band from Quebec city, mostly inspired by progressive rock but also by many other musical influences, from metal, alternative and post-rock to pop, indie and blues. « Scene I : Harlequin », which was released on May 22nd 2012, is a sixty minute concept album that will bring you from classic prog and blues, to modern rock and metal. This is the band's first studio album. A second album Nova was released in 2015! The band was founded in 2009 by Gabriel (drums), Patrick (guitars) and Jean-François (bass) after the dismemberment of Lamentations, an Opeth tribute band, to which were added François (keyboards and piano) and Julien (vocals and acoustic guitars). In 2014, line-up changes lead to the add-on of a new bass player, Jonathan.
Second volume of one of the most sold compilations by M-Sol Records "Erotica Vol. 2" - Most Erotic chill tracks gathered on one place… Total enjoyment, sensuality, wideness and passionate combinations of sounds for your most erotic moments… Artists such as: Steen Thottrup, Gary B, Euphonic Traveller, Marga Sol, Pier O, Project Blue Sun, Mathieu & Florzinho, Florito, Michael E, Marie Therese, Eriq Johnson & AVO.