Busuu Learn & Speak Languages v32.1.1(1164114) | Android | 115.02 MB
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Learn up to 12 different languages
- English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Polish.
Find specialized courses to fit your needs?
- Whether you want a Spanish learning app for your education, an English learning app for vacation prep, or want to learn French free of charge for fun, we’ve got the course for you – from business to travel.
Get award-winning content created by experts?
- If you’re learning Spanish & looking for great Spanish lessons or if you want quality content & you’re learning French, or another language, we’ve got them. Out of all paid & free language apps out there, you won't be able to find better courses.
Start from beginner & work your way to upper intermediate?
- Starting Spanish? Learn Spanish for beginners. Or learning German & you know the basics? Skip ahead.
Meet our community of 100 million+ native speakers?
- Make friends & learn language skills on Busuu, whether you’re learning Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian or Japanese, or another language.