Obscure trumpeter Axel Dörner joins legendary demolition experts, percussionist Michael Zerang and cellist Fred Lonberg-Holm, for nearly an hour of furious little sounds on this fascinating recording. Zerang and Lonberg-Holm have a concentrated history of intense interaction where boundaries know no limits. The trumpeter eschews the usual sounds from the brass and instead revels in brushstrokes of noise, air, and gurgles. The results barely resemble the horn from which the sounds emanate. Dörner appears subservient to Lonberg-Holm and Zerang, each of whom has been down similar paths with the other before.
Fred Lonberg-Holm born in 1962, composer, improviser. He began formal cello studies at the age of 10. Former student of Anthony Braxton, Morton Feldman, Bunita Marcus and Pauline Oliveros. Fred was active in a number of projects, including the Peter Brötzmann Tentet, XMarsX (with Mars Williams), VCDC, ADA Trio (with Peter Brötzmann and Paal Nilssen-Love), the Vandermark 5, and many others that are still active today. Ongoing projects of which he is a member include Joe McPhee's Survival Unit III (with Michael Zerang), NRG Ensemble and Witches and Devils (with Mars Williams), Fast Citizens, Friction Brothers, Party Knüllers (with Stale Liavik), Boxhead Ensemble, Screw and Straw, and Ballister (with Paal Nilssen-Love and Dave Rempis) as well as many others.
Inner Journeys: Myth & Legends (2003). With its lush melodies, tribal rhythms and chants and soaring flute driven energy, Cusco has cornered the market on mystical world music since becoming one of Higher Octave Music's mainstays over 15 years ago. They could have sold those two million units based on the engaging, spirit-energizing music alone, but no doubt dedicated listeners have been prompted to brush up on Inca and Aztec civilizations, which fueled this brainchild of German born group leader Michael Holm. This sweeping and provocative new disc blends a multitude of world cultures while delving into the adventure, magic, and mystery of ancient myths and legends…