
Yves Prin, Karl-Anton Rickenbacher - Tristan Murail: Gondwana, Desintegrations, Time and Again (2003)

Tristan Murail: Gondwana, Désintégrations, Time and Again (2003)
Orchestre National De France; Ensemble De L'Itinéraire; Yves Prin, conductor
Orchestre Du Beethovenhalle De Bonn; Karl-Anton Rickenbacher, conductor

EAC | FLAC | Tracks (Cue&Log) ~ 262 Mb | Mp3 (CBR320) ~ 136 Mb | Scans ~ 53 Mb | 00:55:59
Classical, Contemporary, Avant-Garde, Spectral Music | Label: MO 782175 | # MO 782175

Known for his scientific explorations of timbre and his innovative syntheses of acoustic and electronic techniques, Tristan Murail is regarded as a composer of the "spectral school." He accepts untempered sound as the basis for his expansive musical language, far removed from tonality, serialism, and aleatoric procedures. Gondwana was developed from electronic music concepts, and its expanding and contracting bands of complex sounds are analogous to those generated through a synthesizer. Shimmering clusters, washes of color, and massed, low sonorities evoke the slow shifting of continents. The Orchestre National de France, directed by Yves Prin, delivers this work with primordial grandeur and astonishing depth. Because of its smaller forces, Désintégrations is more focused and intense than Gondwana, though no less cosmic in its implications. The Ensemble de l'Itinéraire blends effectively with the electronic tape, so it is difficult to distinguish acoustic from synthetic sounds. Time and Again is a departure from the familiar practice of slowly unfolding processes, for its chopped-up material is jumbled, as if sequential events were reordered in a time machine.
Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, George Benjamin - Musica viva, Vol. 22: Ligeti, Murail & Benjamin (2016)

Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, George Benjamin - Musica viva, Vol. 22: Ligeti, Murail & Benjamin (2016)
WEB | FLAC (tracks) - 288 MB | 01:02:15
Genre: Classical | Label: Neos

When the first concert of the series founded by the composer Karl Amadeus Hartmann (later designated as musica viva) took place at Munich's Prince Regent's Theatre on 7 October 1945, it marked the birth of an important new cultural event in post-war Germany. Up to the present day, this oldest concert series for New Music still brings together the world's most important artists - conductors and interpreters alike - in the field of new and the newest music, also continuing to set new standards for the interpretation of new classical music with the outstanding Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Het Collectief - Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps - Murail: Stalag VIIIa (2023) [Official Digital Download 24/96]

Het Collectief - Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps - Murail: Stalag VIIIa (2023)
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Front Cover & Digital Booklet | Time - 60:51 minutes | 1,06 GB
Classical | Label: Alpha Classics, Official Digital Download

Olivier Messiaen composed his eight-movement Quartet for the End of Time in 1940 while imprisoned in Germany. He drew his inspiration from the Apocalypse written by Saint John the Evangelist, one of the few works he was allowed to keep in the camp. Het Collectif explores this work, never forgetting that it was at the heart of this harsh winter of war, in a context of misfortune, confinement and deprivation, that Messiaen had an angel speak, promising paradise and the end of time… Stalag VIIIa , composed by Tristan Murail, whose title refers to Olivier Messiaen's place of detention in Görlitz in 1940, completes this programme.
Het Collectief - Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps - Murail: Stalag VIIIa (2023)

Het Collectief - Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps - Murail: Stalag VIIIa (2023)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 212 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 143 Mb | Digital booklet | 01:00:51
Classical | Label: Alpha Classics

Olivier Messiaen composed his eight-movement Quartet for the End of Time in 1940 while imprisoned in Germany. He drew his inspiration from the Apocalypse written by Saint John the Evangelist, one of the few works he was allowed to keep in the camp. Het Collectif explores this work, never forgetting that it was at the heart of this harsh winter of war, in a context of misfortune, confinement and deprivation, that Messiaen had an angel speak, promising paradise and the end of time… Stalag VIIIa , composed by Tristan Murail, whose title refers to Olivier Messiaen's place of detention in Görlitz in 1940, completes this programme.

Marie-Aude Murail, "Vive la République !"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at May 31, 2021
Marie-Aude Murail, "Vive la République !"

Marie-Aude Murail, "Vive la République !"
2019 | ASIN: B07VRS3K2W | Français | MP3@160 kbps | 9 hrs 43 mins | 657.4 MB

Cécile Barrois, jeune professeur des écoles, effectue sa rentrée à l'école Louis Guilloux.
À 22 ans, Cécile va réaliser son rêve de petite fille : devenir maîtresse d'école ! La voilà donc qui affronte, le cœur tremblant, sa première rentrée des classes à l'école primaire Louis-Guilloux. Face à elle dix-huit CP : Baptiste jamais assis sur sa chaise, Audrey qui aime déjà sa maîtresse, Marianne l'endormie, Steven au QI "limite", Louis se zentil, Tom le querelleur, Robin le gros bébé, Toussaint et Démor Baoulé, fraîchement arrivés de Côte-d'Ivoire…

Lorris Murail, "Douze ans, sept mois et onze jours"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Sept. 29, 2022
Lorris Murail, "Douze ans, sept mois et onze jours"

Lorris Murail, "Douze ans, sept mois et onze jours"
2015 | ISBN: 2266253549 | Français | EPUB | 304 pages | 0.4 MB

Walden, 12 ans, est emmené par son père dans les forêts du Maine. Une fois sur place, ce dernier l'abandonne dans une cabane avec comme seuls moyens de subsistance quelques boîtes de conserve, des livres et une carabine. A partir de ce jour, le garçon doit se débrouiller pour survivre. …

Marie-Aude Murail - Sauveur & Figlio Vol. 4. Zombi  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Sept. 13, 2023
Marie-Aude Murail - Sauveur & Figlio Vol. 4. Zombi

Marie-Aude Murail - Sauveur & Figlio Vol. 4. Zombi
Italiano | 2023 | 256 pages | ISBN: 8809949056 | EPUB | 0,8 MB

Il quartoepisodio della serie di Sauveur Saint-Yves, psicoterapeuta in rue de Murlins a Orléans, con personaggi che ritornano, altri che proseguono senza soluzione di continuità e nuovi pazienti con storie personali appassionanti e toccanti. Il libro si apre su Jean-Jacques, ragazzo di 22 anni divenuto di fatto un hikikomori. Non esce dalla sua stanza, non ha mai preso la maturità, la madre gli porta i pasti davanti alla porta. Poi c'è Solo (da Han Solo), che lavora in prigione secondo un codice tutto personale: lui non si è fatto sedurre dal lato oscuro della forza dei quartieri periferici dove tanti suoi amici si sono invece perduti. Ma anche nella famiglia allargata di Sauveur non mancano cambiamenti e momenti di profonda commozione, come quando l'ex legionario Jovo, nonostante un malore che lo costringe in terapia intensiva, fugge per tornare a morire in rue des Murlins, tra i boys.

Elvire Murail, "Possession"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Jan. 13, 2022
Elvire Murail, "Possession"

Elvire Murail, "Possession"
2022 | ISBN: 2211317383 | Français | EPUB | 181 pages | 0.2 MB

En achetant la plus belle maison du quartier, les Vendôme pensaient avoir fait une bonne affaire et s'étaient réjouis d'y emménager avec leurs trois enfants. Une nuit, le pire est arrivé. Leur fille Lucrèce s'est jetée du toit, sous les yeux de Malo son petit frère. Traumatisé, le garçon a passé deux mois en hôpital psychiatrique. Depuis son retour, Malo a l'impression que la maison lui joue des tours et s'en prend à lui. Ses affaires changent de place, les murs de sa chambre font des gargouillis, les poignées de porte disparaissent. …

Naïma Murail Zimmermann - Sulle tracce di Sherlock Holmes. Le grandi storie horror  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Jan. 22, 2021
Naïma Murail Zimmermann - Sulle tracce di Sherlock Holmes. Le grandi storie horror

Naïma Murail Zimmermann - Sulle tracce di Sherlock Holmes. Le grandi storie horror
Italiano | 2021 | 144 pages | ISBN: 8836240887 | EPUB | 8,5 MB

Un viaggio nel cuore delle più grandi storie horror di tutti i tempi! Adam è catapultato insieme alla sorella Sofia e al coniglio Oscar nel mondo di Sherlock Holmes e del dottor Watson. Lo aspetta la più pericolosa delle missioni compiute finora: salvare sir Henry Baskerville da un cane demoniaco che sputa fiamme. Un compito reso ancora più difficile dagli attacchi del Malautore, divenuto sempre più potente…

Niente cravatta - Marie-Aude Murail  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Maroutan at Sept. 1, 2021
Niente cravatta - Marie-Aude Murail

Niente cravatta - Marie-Aude Murail
Italiano | 2021 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 8809909747 | EPUB | 3.67 MB

Scoppiettante, divertente, ricco di spunti, suggestioni, storie. Il terzo libro di Sauveur & figlio non tradisce le aspettative e, come nei precedenti due volumi della serie, ci regala un affresco dalle mille sfumature su debolezze, fragilità, speranze, punti di forza umani, con uno sguardo pervaso di empatia. Sauveur, psicologo, continua a vivere in quella casa di via de Murlins divisa in due, da una parte lo studio dove riceve i pazienti, dall'altra la sua famiglia sempre più composita. Uno spaccato complesso, dove tutti commettono errori, ma nessuno viene condannato, dove accanto alla tragedia del Bataclan c'è la voglia di continuare e non darsi per sconfitti…