The solo piano music of Béla Bartók is sometimes compared to that of Schoenberg, but Bartók's works are more emotionally accessible to listeners, particularly when they are played as Andreas Bach does on this album. While a great importance is placed on the percussiveness of Bartók's music, Bach instead focuses on the harmonies and the temperaments of these works. He does not ignore those more primitive aspects of the music, but rather than being sharply aggressive, Bach uses more of a forceful follow-through to control the sound.
Few atonal piano compositions are so amenable to generate new meaningful, extremely sombre soundscapes as ‘ Triadic Memories’, according to different modalities of execution some would call rendition. This one execution, excruciatingly slow, generates aural hallucinations in the guise of rational insights. Beware of the illusion of order, this Feldman classic piece proves that that is way more harmful, as in pathetically alienating, than the illusion of depth..
Die Sopranistin Miriam Alexandra hat für diese Produktion ein spannendes Lieder-Programm mit hohem Repertoire-Wert (darunter einige Ersteinspielungen) der Komponistin Pauline Viardot (1821-1910) zusammengestellt. Die meisten Gedichte auf dieser CD stammen von Eduard Mörike. Aufgenommen hat sie die Lieder vergangenen August im Studio Britz des Deutschlandradios in Berlin. Begleitet wurde sie dabei von keinem Geringeren als vom renommierten Liedbegleiter und Professor Eric Schneider.
The cellist Wen-Sinn Yang and the conductor Shao-Chia Lü live and work in Germany. Both were trained at important music o academies in Berlin and Vienna. During the 2016/17 season Wen-Sinn Yang was invited to perform several concerts as artist in residence with the Taipei National Symphony Orchestra. The performances of three concertos in June 2017 were so enthusiastically received that it was decided to release them as live recordings. The wonderful acoustics of the National Concert Hall in Taipei and the amicable dialogue between soloist and conductor have thus been preserved on this CD.