Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on Earth of healing, maintaining balance and harmony and keeping our connection with Mother Earth and All Creation. A shaman knows that all things are alive and walks with one foot in the spirit world. This powerful Shamanic drumming album, written and performed by two leading Shamanic disciples, will help you reach a higher plain of healing and understanding. The complex rhytms, each carefully written to form a perfect counterpoint to the main heartbeat of the performance will touch your inner psyche and move the body and mind to a state of deep relaxation and calm. The tempo, a constant beating life-force of ethnic drums, shakers, rattles and beaters is carefully researched to attune to the body's deep natural rhythm. Designed to touch the very soul of all who listen and learn Shamanic Healing, this album is bound to leave a lasting and unforgettable impression.
Oliver Shanti (born Ulrich Schulz 16 November 1948 in Hamburg, Germany), also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician, best known for his work with the bands "Inkarnation" and "Oliver Shanti & Friends".
Yeah this is another album there Jimmy Smith is working with Oliver Nelson and his orchestra, and this album is based on Serge Prokofiev's Peter & The Wolf and the first four minutes is the Prokofiev music, but the rest is credit to the great Oliver Nelson and he even wrote about it in the liner notes too, yeah this is nice piece of music written by the fantastic Oliver Nelson based upon the feeling that Prokofiev once provide.
Avez-vous déjà remarqué des choses étranges que vous ne pouvez pas vous expliquer ? Cette impression de malaise le soir en allant au fond du jardin, en vous rendant à la cave ou au grenier ? Cette sensation d'être observé ? pourriez-vous jurer que les personnes que vous croisez tous les jours sont normales ? Peut-être sont-elles maléfiques ? Peut-être risquez-vous votre vie à chaque seconde sans le savoir ? Il existe une autre réalité qui se confond dans la vôtre et les premières altérations ont été observées et sont relatées dans ce recueil ! …
Freebeat Music Records presents The Forest Chill Lounge (Deep Moods Music with Smooth Ambient & Chillout Tunes). Artenovum, Jean Mare, Richard Bonnee, Sunscapes Project, Pascheba, Frank Doberitz and many more.