1982. Alors qu'un message menaçant le pape est capté par les radioastronomes, Jean-Paul II confie au père Ernetti la mission de remonter jusqu'aux origines de l'Univers. Le physicien Stephen Hawking réécrit alors l'équation de Majorana pour optimiser la puissance de la machine à remonter le temps. …
Half Baroque, half contemporary, half French, half British: that is the challenge taken up here by Franck-Emmanuel Comte and Le Concert de L'Hostel Dieu. This recording presents in the same program pieces by Lully and by Purcell, together with contemporary creations by the Frenchman David Chalmin, inspired by Purcell, and by the British composer Martyn Harry, inspired by Lully. Both contemporary composers combine the sounds of Baroque instruments with their own expression, thus removing borders and engaging in a dialogue involving different periods and different languages. Axelle Verner lends her mezzo voice and unique personality to the vocal pieces in this program.
‘Well, what a surprise – a divine surprise! I have delighted in immersing myself in the world of Handel for more than forty years now. But I must admit that I experienced yet another lesson in strength and joy when I toured and recorded the Dettingen Te Deum and the Coronation Anthems ’, says Hervé Niquet. As a lover of large orchestral formations, he has assembled a number of instrumentalists and singers close to the (gigantic) forces used at the premiere, with a large band of oboes, bassoons and trumpets, and assigned the solo arias to the entire ‘chapel’. Niquet speaks of ‘the glittering power of this ceremonial music concocted by a Handel conscious of placing the best of his genius at the service of the crown and of history’, and he in turn invests all his enthusiasm and expressiveness in these works combining ‘grace and strength’. Fans of Champions League football will recognise in Zadok the Priest the theme of that competition’s anthem!
André Grétry's Richard Coeur de Lion, or Richard the Lionhearted, lay neglected until 2019 when a production by the Opéra Royal de Versailles was mounted. This album is taken from that performance, and it's very well recorded indeed. The opera was quite well known in its time and was even performed in the young U.S. (in Boston, in 1796), and it's a great find, a real crowd-pleaser as much today as at the end of the 18th century. The story is based on a probably imaginary tale of an episode during Richard's return from the Crusades, when he was imprisoned in Linz, Austria.
A Tokyo, le café Funiculi Funicula est réputé pour offrir à ses clients la possibilité de voyager dans le temps. Quatre femmes souhaitent tenter l'expérience. L'une pour confronter l'homme qui l'a quittée, une autre pour parler à son époux atteint d'un Alzheimer précoce, la troisième pour revoir sa soeur disparue et la dernière pour rencontrer sa future fille. Adaptation d'une pièce du dramaturge. …
For our first album, we have chosen three original works that have accompanied us through six years of experimentation, training, travel and success as a quintet. This chronologically limited musical programme paints a portrait of an era, between avant-garde effervescence, neo-classical temptations and world catastrophe. When André Jolivet composed his Chant de Linos in 1944, the world explored by Admiral Jean Cras had disappeared forever, and his music with it. At the Halfway point, László Lajtha’s work bears witness to an acute awareness of the political situation and an artistic posture that is both avant-garde and engaged: a certain art of musical irony?
Un rayon de soleil traverse l’azur du petit matin et réchauffe le cœur d’une douce caresse… Dès le premier mouvement (largo) du Trio en la Majeur, Sébastien Marq expose son jeu doux et velouté, léger et transcendant. Et l’on s’émerveille, béat, devant la beauté du son, la justesse des sentiments, et ce toucher si délicat qui vous berce et vous emmène dans un jardin d’Eden. Le voyage s’achève sur quatre mêmes notes, plus suaves et doucereuses que les précédentes.