From a novel by author Elizabeth Taylor comes the inspiration for Angel, the second English-language film by French director Francois Ozon. In many ways a throwback to the grand romances of Hollywood's Golden Age, Angel also features a wider range of sensibilities that would seem to attract attention from modern arthouse crowds. The story follows the life of young author Angel Deverell, whose force of will leads the audience on a journey from the imaginative aspirations of her youth all the way through her eventual death. A fierce personality for Angel and the story's willingness to toss in a tart now and then provide the film with spicy interest. Angel marks the fifth collaboration (since 2003) between Ozon and young French composer Philippe Rombi, who has shown the talent and promise of an international career that is yet unrealized. Without a doubt, Angel is the biggest spectacle to come out of Rombi's career as of yet, contributing to a belief that he very well could be an extension of (or replacement for) the late master of French romanticism, Georges Delerue. In many ways, Angel will be an absolute delight for fans of Delerue, mostly due to Rombi's unashamed, lyrical devotion to his three themes for the film.
Anne Desabresdes, témoin d'un crime, se rend régulièrement dans un café pour interroger Chauvin, un homme qui est toujours présent quand elle y vient. …
Catherine Deneuve et François Truffaut, Gérard Depardieu et Patrick Dewaere, Isabelle Adjani et Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alain Resnais et Romy Schneider, Sophie Marceau et Vincent Lindon… : tous et toutes ont été les clients d'Artmedia, l'une des plus prestigieuses agences artistiques, qui a inspiré à Dominique Besnehard - son agent vedette - la série à succès Dix pour cent. …