Peter Ackroyd

Peter Ackroyd, "Charlie Chaplin : Biographie"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Jan. 30, 2017
Peter Ackroyd, "Charlie Chaplin : Biographie"

Peter Ackroyd, "Charlie Chaplin : Biographie"
Philippe Rey | 2016 | ISBN: 2848764988 | French | EPUB | 284 pages | 2.5 MB

Il fut la première icône du grand écran et demeure, cent ans après son premier film, le visage le plus instantanément reconnaissable de Hollywood. Mais qui était vraiment l'homme à la moustache ? Le metteur en scène constamment à la fois derrière et devant la caméra ? L'individu coupé des réalités et se voyant en Jésus ou, mieux, en Napoléon ? Quelle est la relation entre Chaplin et Charlot ? Peter Ackroyd braque ses projecteurs sur une vie – autant qu'une oeuvre – improbable, depuis d'humiliants débuts dans les music-halls londoniens jusqu'à une célébrité planétaire acquise alors qu'il n'avait que vingt-cinq ans. …

The Postmodern Representation of Reality in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at April 29, 2023
The Postmodern Representation of Reality in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton

Arya Aryan, "The Postmodern Representation of Reality in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton"
English | ISBN: 1527584968 | 2022 | 120 pages | PDF | 708 KB

Peter Ackroyd - Shakespeare. Una biografia (Report)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at May 29, 2018
Peter Ackroyd - Shakespeare. Una biografia (Report)

Peter Ackroyd - Shakespeare. Una biografia
Italian | 2015 | 670 pages | ASIN: B016IAESX0 | EPUB | 1,4 MB

Il romanzo della vita di Shakespeare: così può essere definita questa monumentale biografia che penetra così a fondo nel mondo e nelle vicende più salienti dell’esistenza del genio inglese da apparire più come l’opera di un scrittore coevo che quella di un biografo del ventunesimo secolo. Shakespeare nacque a Stratford il 23 aprile del 1564 e morì nella stessa piccola città inglese nel 1616. Gli amici di Stratford furono i suoi amici di sempre, le persone che accompagnarono l’intera sua esistenza. Lavorò in teatro, recitando nelle prime sale londinesi e riscrivendo e componendo per una serie di compagnie determinate quali «The Queen’s Men», «The Lord Chamberlain’s Men» e «The King’s Men». Un piccolo mondo, preciso, costante..
The Literary Psychogeography of London: Otherworlds of Alan Moore, Peter Ackroyd, and Iain Sinclair

Ann Tso, "The Literary Psychogeography of London: Otherworlds of Alan Moore, Peter Ackroyd, and Iain Sinclair "
English | ISBN: 3030529797 | 2020 | 129 pages | EPUB, PDF | 2 MB + 2 MB
Cities of Saviors: Urban Space in E. E. Cummings’ Complete Poems, 1904–1962, and Peter Ackroyd’s Hawksmoor

Cities of Saviors: Urban Space in E. E. Cummings’ Complete Poems, 1904–1962, and Peter Ackroyd’s Hawksmoor By Zénó Vernyik
2015 | 169 Pages | ISBN: 6155423113 | PDF | 2 MB

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol III» by Peter Ackroyd  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Aug. 29, 2019
«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol III» by Peter Ackroyd

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol III» by Peter Ackroyd
English | ISBN: 9781846575044 | MP3@64 kbps | 2h 58m | 81.8 MB

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol IV» by Peter Ackroyd  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Nov. 28, 2019
«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol IV» by Peter Ackroyd

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol IV» by Peter Ackroyd
English | ISBN: 9781846575051 | MP3@64 kbps | 3h 00m | 82.6 MB

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol I» by Peter Ackroyd  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Nov. 23, 2019
«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol I» by Peter Ackroyd

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol I» by Peter Ackroyd
English | ISBN: 9781846575020 | MP3@64 kbps | 2h 57m | 81.3 MB

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol II» by Peter Ackroyd  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Dec. 31, 2019
«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol II» by Peter Ackroyd

«Shakespeare - The Biography: Vol II» by Peter Ackroyd
English | ISBN: 9781846575037 | MP3@64 kbps | 2h 57m | 81.3 MB

«London - Foundations» by Peter Ackroyd  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Sept. 21, 2019
«London - Foundations» by Peter Ackroyd

«London - Foundations» by Peter Ackroyd
English | ISBN: 9781846575174 | MP3@48 kbps | 3h 00m | 62.1 MB