Problems in The Foundations of Physics

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by step778 at July 16, 2024
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology

Department of Physics Kazuo Fujikawa, Yoshimasa A Ono, "Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology"
English | 2002 | pages: 349 | ISBN: 9812381309 | PDF | 22,2 mb

Foundations of Probability and Physics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at May 8, 2021
Foundations of Probability and Physics

Foundations of Probability and Physics By A.. Khrennikov, A. Khrennikov
2002 | 393 Pages | ISBN: 9810248466 | PDF | 17 MB
The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Historical Analysis And Open Questions, Cesena 2004

The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Historical Analysis And Open Questions, Cesena 2004 By Claudio Garola, Arcangelo Rossi, Sandro Sozzo
2006 | 372 Pages | ISBN: 9812568522 | PDF | 17 MB

The quantum challenge: modern research on the foundations of quantum mechanics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at May 9, 2021
The quantum challenge: modern research on the foundations of quantum mechanics

The quantum challenge: modern research on the foundations of quantum mechanics By George Greenstein, Arthur G. Zajonc
1997 | 259 Pages | ISBN: 0763702161 | PDF | 13 MB

The Foundations of Acoustics: Basic Mathematics and Basic Acoustics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Oct. 1, 2023
The Foundations of Acoustics: Basic Mathematics and Basic Acoustics

The Foundations of Acoustics: Basic Mathematics and Basic Acoustics by Eugen Skudrzyk
English | PDF | 1971 | 816 Pages | ISBN : 3709182573 | 111.3 MB

Research and scientific progress are based upqn intuition coordinated with a wide theoretical knowledge, experimental skill, and a realistic sense of the limitations of technology. Only a deep insight into physical phenomena will supply the necessary skills to handle the problems that arise in acoustics. The acoustician today needs to be well acquainted with mathematics, dynamics, hydrodynamics, and physics; he also needs a good knowledge of statistics, signal processing, electrical theory, and of many other specialized subjects. Acquiring this background is a laborious task and would require the study of many different books. It is the goal of this volume to present this background in as thorough and readable a manner as possible so that the reader may turn to specialized publications or chapters of other books for further information without having to start at the preliminaries. In trying to accomplish this goal, mathematics serves only as a tool; the better our understanding of a physical phenomenon, the less mathematics is needed and the shorter and more concise are our computa tions. A word about the choice of subjects for this volume will be helpful to the reader. Even scientists of high standing are frequently not acquainted with the fundamentals needed in the field of acoustics. Chapters I to IX are devoted to these fundamentals. After studying Chapter I, which dis­ cusses the units and their relationships, the reader should have no difficulty converting from one system of units to any other.

Beyond Spacetime: The Foundations of Quantum Gravity  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by hill0 at May 5, 2020
Beyond Spacetime: The Foundations of Quantum Gravity

Beyond Spacetime: The Foundations of Quantum Gravity
by Nick Huggett

English | 2020 | ISBN: 110847702X | 371 Pages | PDF | 3 MB
Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) (repost)

Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) by Reinhard Hentschke
English | 26 Jan. 2017 | ISBN: 3319487094 | 380 Pages | PDF | 8.77 MB
Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) (repost)

Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) by Reinhard Hentschke
English | 26 Jan. 2017 | ISBN: 3319487094 | 380 Pages | PDF | 8.77 MB
Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) [Repost]

Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) by Reinhard Hentschke
English | 9 Jan. 2017 | ISBN: 3319487094 | 392 Pages | PDF | 8.77 MB

This textbook teaches classical mechanics as one of the foundations of physics. It describes the mechanical stability and motion in physical systems ranging from the molecular to the galactic scale. Aside from the standard topics of mechanics in the physics curriculum, this book includes an introduction to the theory of elasticity and its use in selected modern engineering applications, e.g.

The Theory of the Quantum World - Proceedings of the 25th Solvay Conference on Physics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by ChrisRedfield at Feb. 21, 2017
The Theory of the Quantum World - Proceedings of the 25th Solvay Conference on Physics

David Gross, Marc Henneaux, Alexander Sevrin - The Theory of the Quantum World - Proceedings of the 25th Solvay Conference on Physics
Published: 2013-05-29 | ISBN: 9814518840, 9814440612 | PDF + EPUB + MOBI | 388 pages | 13.88 MB