Decca/London introduced Phase 4 Stereo in 1961. For classical music, the Phase 4 approach was based on miking every orchestra section individually, along with mics for selected instruments – up to a maximum of 20 channels, which were then mixed via a recording console. This resulted in a dynamic, in your face sound with relatively little hall ambience. The quality of the sound mostly depended on how skillfully the recording engineer balanced each channel – and the results were not always consistent. Thus, the Phase 4 sound was the antithesis of the minimally miked, “simplicity is wisdom” approach of the RCA’s early Living Stereo and Mercury’s Living Presence recordings, along with Telarc’s early digital recordings.
With this new b*records release, Victor Julien-Laferriere and the Orchestre Consuelo lay the foundation for a titanic edifice: the complete nine symphonies of Ludwig van Beethoven. Supported by the Festival de la Chaise-Dieu, which lends the exceptional acoustics of its abbey church, this four-year project marks a decisive step for the young orchestra of variable geometry. Composed mainly of chamber musicians, the ensemble forges a meticulous and passionate collective identity in this first opus dedicated to Symphonies no. 1, no. 2 and no. 4, which already bear witness to the search for comprehensibility and universality of language characteristic of Beethoven's symphonic corpus.
Violinist Isabella d’Éloize Perron and conductor Francis Choiniere, recognized as two generational prodigies, have collaborated to introduce a refreshing interpretation of Vivaldi and Piazzolla’s Four Seasons, recorded at the presitigious Maison Symphonique in Montreal, and culminating in a new album set to release on March 22nd, 2024.