Winner of the Prix de l Académie Charles Cros, this set brings together Robert Schumann s complete works for solo piano. This great cycle benefited from having been recorded in the unique acoustics of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, by Jean-Marc Laisné. Sales of the 13 CDs comprising this set have exceeded 20,000 copies around the world. This complete recording is now acknowledged as a reference and, at the same time, an important step in the artistic life of pianist Eric Le Sage.
S’il fallait donner une définition au romantisme du début du XIXe siècle, la simple écoute de ce disque rendrait toutes autres explications superflues. Tout ce qui caractérise ce célèbre mouvement de pensée artistique et intellectuel est présent au sein de ces chef-d'œuvres du plus imprégné de ses compositeurs. On y trouve intimement mêlés la passion et l’amour mais aussi le doute et l’espoir sans oublier la poésie, puissante inspiratrice de l’œuvre de Schumann. Murray Perahia y brille de tout feux et ce n’est pas la prise de son qui me démentira. Le piano est d’une richesse harmonique qui nous laisse pantois. Des graves profonds et charpentés aux aiguës aériens et cristallins, l’instrument est restitué dans ses vraies dimensions. Ce disque est un condensé de ce qui se fait de mieux en la matière.
Robert Schumann graced the cello repertoire not only with one of its most prominent concertos, but also with four sets of satisfying miniatures. Although all but the Op. 102 set on folk tunes was originally conceived for other instruments, it is with the cello that they have found their true home. Brazilian-born cellist Antonio Meneses does a superb job demonstrating to listeners why these works are best suited for his instrument. His sound is quite lean but never tinny. The result is a soaring and clear projection that easily rises above the piano. His interpretation is flexible and insightful, quickly changing gears between the contrasting character pieces. Intonation, articulation, and pacing are all quite refined.
In 1823 Johann Georg Stauffer invented the arpeggione, a freak instrument, a hybrid of 'cello and guitar, with strings tuned in fourths. Schubert invested such attractive melodies in this queer contraption, he must have believed in its future. The melodies that float throughout the "Sonata for Arpeggione", are indeed attractive to say the least. The first point that strikes one in this performance is the clarity that cellist Mischa Maisky maintains.
This new release features Schumann violin sonatas played with period instruments, including an Anselmo Bellosio violin, ca. 1770 with Gut strings and an Erard piano, serial number 32602, built in 1862. Maalismaa and Holmström have worked as a duo since 2011. They are co-directors of both the Ristiveto Festival, which specializes in performing late 19th-century music on period instruments, and the Classical Hietsu concert series in Helsinki. Finnish violinist Eriikka Maalismaa plays in a variety of ensembles and collectives and visits frequently as leader of orchestras. She is fascinated by saying Yes to things that scare her. Performing music of our time as well as collaborating with composers is one of her biggest interests.
Robert und Clara Schumann waren mit Sicherheit außergewöhnliche Eltern nicht nur nach den Maßstäben des 19. Jahrhunderts. Vor allem fällt auf, wie viel Zeit Robert insbesondere seiner Tochter Marie, der Erstgeborenen, gewidmet hat. Marie, Elise und Julie sind die Töchter, für die Schumann kleine Stückchen komponierte und mit denen er auch musizierte. Und das nicht nur auf Kleinkind-Niveau. Diese CD ist eine entzückende Rundschau über die Stücke und Melodien, die Schumann mit seinen Mädchen entwickelte und lässt beinahe Schumann sche Familienatmosphäre wiedererstehen. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, sind eine ganze Reihe von Ersteinspielungen auf dieser CD vertreten.