Set Theory And Logic

Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Nov. 16, 2023
Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory

Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory by Keith J. Devlin
English | PDF | 1979 | 191 Pages | ISBN : 0387904417 | 13.4 MB

This book is intended to provide an account of those parts of contemporary set theory which are of direct relevance to other areas of pure mathematics. The intended reader is either an advanced level undergraduate, or a beginning graduate student in mathematics, or else an accomplished mathematician who desires or needs a familiarity with modern set theory. The book is written in a fairly easy going style, with a minimum of formalism (a format characteristic of contemporary set theory) • In Chapter I the basic principles of set theory are developed in a "naive" tl manner. Here the notions of "set I II union " , "intersection", "power set" I "relation" I "function" etc. are defined and discussed. One assumption in writing this chapter has been that whereas the reader may have met all of these concepts before, and be familiar with their usage, he may not have considered the various notions as forming part of the continuous development of a pure subject (namely set theory) • Consequently, our development is at the same time rigorous and fast. Chapter II develops the theory of sets proper. Starting with the naive set theory of Chapter I, we begin by asking the question "What is a set?" Attempts to give a rLgorous answer lead naturally to the axioms of set theory introduced by Zermelo and Fraenkel, which is the system taken as basic in this book.

An Introduction to Proofs with Set Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Underaglassmoon at Nov. 15, 2020
An Introduction to Proofs with Set Theory

An Introduction to Proofs with Set Theory
Morgan & Claypool | English | 2020 | ISBN-10: 1681738813 | 249 pages | PDF | 887.21 KB

by Daniel Ashlock (Author), Colin Lee (Author)
This text is intended as an introduction to mathematical proofs for students

Surveys in Set Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at March 4, 2021
Surveys in Set Theory

A. R. D. Mathias, "Surveys in Set Theory "
English | ISBN: 0521277337 | 1983 | 256 pages | PDF | 2 MB

Concise Introduction to Logic and Set Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by yoyoloit at Aug. 27, 2021
Concise Introduction to Logic and Set Theory

Concise Introduction to Logic and Set Theory
by Iqbal H. Jebril

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0367077957 | 171 pages | True PDF | 10.13 MB

Computational Logic and Set Theory: Applying Formalized Logic to Analysis  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at July 10, 2021
Computational Logic and Set Theory: Applying Formalized Logic to Analysis

Computational Logic and Set Theory: Applying Formalized Logic to Analysis by Jacob T. Schwartz
English | EPUB | 2011 | 426 Pages | ISBN : 0857298070 | 7.8 MB

As computer software becomes more complex, the question of how its correctness can be assured grows ever more critical. Formal logic embodied in computer programs is an important part of the answer to this problem.

Set Theory, Logic and their Limitations  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by interes at Dec. 12, 2020
Set Theory, Logic and their Limitations

Set Theory, Logic and their Limitations by Moshé Machover
English | June 13, 1996 | ISBN: 0521474930 | Pages: 298 | DJVU | 3.08 MB

Introduction to Mathematical Logic: Set Theory Computable Functions Model Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at July 1, 2021
Introduction to Mathematical Logic: Set Theory Computable Functions Model Theory

Introduction to Mathematical Logic: Set Theory Computable Functions Model Theory by Jerome Malitz
English | PDF | 1979 | 209 Pages | ISBN : 0387903461 | 16.5 MB

This book is intended as an undergraduate senior level or beginning graduate level text for mathematical logic. There are virtually no prere­ quisites, although a familiarity with notions encountered in a beginning course in abstract algebra such as groups, rings, and fields will be useful in providing some motivation for the topics in Part III.

Sets, Logic and Categories  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at July 10, 2022
Sets, Logic and Categories

Sets, Logic and Categories by Peter J. Cameron
English | PDF | 1998 | 191 Pages | ISBN : 1852330562 | 14.8 MB

Set theory, logic and category theory lie at the foundations of mathematics, and have a dramatic effect on the mathematics that we do, through the Axiom of Choice, Gödel's Theorem, and the Skolem Paradox. But they are also rich mathematical theories in their own right, contributing techniques and results to working mathematicians such as the Compactness Theorem and module categories. The book is aimed at those who know some mathematics and want to know more about its building blocks. Set theory is first treated naively an axiomatic treatment is given after the basics of first-order logic have been introduced. The discussion is su pported by a wide range of exercises. The final chapter touches on philosophical issues. The book is supported by a World Wibe Web site containing a variety of supplementary material.
Trading Ontology for Ideology: The Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine’s Philosophy

Trading Ontology for Ideology: The Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine’s Philosophy By Lieven Decock (auth.)
2002 | 282 Pages | ISBN: 9048161215 | PDF | 10 MB
Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I

Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9811201927 | 222 Pages | PDF (True) | 11.4 MB