Speedcommander 18.20.9400

Nuevos Mutantes Vol 3 #18-20  Comics

Posted by Coda at March 11, 2022
Nuevos Mutantes Vol 3 #18-20

Nuevos Mutantes Vol 3 #18-20
Panini Cómics, 2022 | Spanish | CBR | 3 núm. | 174 MB Total
Autores: Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brisson y Rod Reis

Promoción editorial: ¡La caída de los chicos del Rey Sombra! No más Nuevos Mutantes. Ahora todo lo que queda son. . . sombras. Y la bestia que está acechando a través del infinito. Amahl Farouk ejecuta su plan maestro, pero. . . ¿es él quien tiene el control?

IDM UEStudio  Software

Posted by melt_ at Oct. 17, 2018
IDM UEStudio

IDM UEStudio (x86/x64) | 95.4/104.5 Mb

UEStudio is the powerful IDE (Integrated Development Environment) built on the chassis of UltraEdit, the world renowned text editor.

IDM UEStudio Portable  Software

Posted by speedzodiac_ at Oct. 18, 2018
IDM UEStudio Portable

IDM UEStudio (x86/x64) Portable | 187 Mb

UEStudio is the powerful IDE (Integrated Development Environment) built on the chassis of UltraEdit, the world renowned text editor.
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V: 5th International Conference, PATAT 2004, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 18-20, 20

Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V: 5th International Conference, PATAT 2004, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 18-20, 2004, Revised Selected Papers By Jean Oh, Stephen F. Smith (auth.), Edmund Burke, Michael Trick (eds.)
2005 | 360 Pages | ISBN: 3540307052 | PDF | 6 MB

Arma X 18-20  Comics

Posted by Coda at April 17, 2019
Arma X 18-20

Arma X 18-20
Panini Cómics, 2019 | Spanish | CBR | 3 núm. | 182 MB Total
Autores: Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Yildiray Çina

Eran cazadores antes que cazados, enemigos antes que aliados. De las cenizas de Arma X, nace algo nuevo y peligroso. ¡Dientes de Sable ha formado un equipo capaz de hacer aquello que La Patrulla-X nunca haría! No te pierdas el debut de Arma X-Force.

Super Humor (núms 5, 10, 14, 18, 20-21, 25, 27)  Comics

Posted by Coda at Dec. 27, 2019
Super Humor (núms 5, 10, 14, 18, 20-21, 25, 27)

Super Humor (núms 5, 10, 14, 18, 20-21, 25, 27)
Ed. Bruguera 1975-1986 | Spanish | CBR | 8 núm. | 2.15 GB Total
Sprachliche Imitation: Jiddisch in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (18.-20. Jahrhundert) (Language Variation)

Sprachliche Imitation: Jiddisch in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (18.-20. Jahrhundert) (Language Variation) von Lea Schaefer
Deutsch | 12. Januar 2017 | ISBN: 3946234801 | 438 Seiten | PDF | 30 MB

Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Strukturen fiktionaler, imitierender Sprache. Am Beispiel detaillierter Analysen der sprachlichen Charakterisierung jüdischer Figuren der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 18., 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts legt die Arbeit offen, welche Strukturen die jiddische Sprachrealität widerspiegeln und welche als Reflexe der (zumeist autoreigenen) Mündlichkeit gelten können.

Novella 2000 N.18 - 20 Aprile 2022  Magazines

Posted by crazy-slim at April 21, 2022
Novella 2000 N.18 - 20 Aprile 2022

Novella 2000 N.18 - 20 Aprile 2022
Italiano | 102 pages | True PDF | 34 MB
Imaging Microstructures: Mathematical and Computational Challenges, Proceedings of a Research Conference June 18-20. 2008 Insti

Imaging Microstructures: Mathematical and Computational Challenges, Proceedings of a Research Conference June 18-20. 2008 Institut Henri Poincare Paris, France By Habib Ammari, Hyeonbae Kang (ed.)
2009 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 0821847457 | PDF | 3 MB
Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking: 4th International Conference, MSPN 2018, Paris, France, June 18-20, 2018

Renault, Éric and Selma Boumerdassi, "Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking: 4th International Conference, MSPN 2018, Paris, France, June 18-20, 2018"
English | ISBN: 3030031004 | 2019 | 354 pages | PDF, EPUB | 66 MB