In the late 1990s, he composed a symphonic fantasy for orchestra and synthesizer titled The Tale of Genji, inspired by the eponymous old Japanese story. It was performed by symphony orchestras in Tokyo, Los Angeles, and London. A live concert CD version was released in 1999 followed by a studio version in 2000. Originally released in 2000, expanded version with Japanese traditional instruments, synthesizers and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, and Yoshiko Sakata's narration of the famous old Japanese tale, translated into modern Kyoto dialect. SACD 5.0ch Surround, SACD Stereo.
The Tale of the Golden King is a 72-minute concept presented in 10 gapless tracks. The concept is based on medieval sleeping hero and mountain king legends. Like previous albums by The Psychedelic Ensemble, the music blends symphonic rock and other progressive rock genres. The Tale of the Golden King introduces new colors to the usual sonic palette of The Psychedelic Ensemble with the inclusion of orchestra and lead and backing vocals by Ann Caren. Fans of The Psychedelic Ensemble will surely want to add to their collection The Tale of the Golden King, the most ambitious TPE album to date.
Originally composed to celebrate Pushkin’s centenary, the full title of the work - The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of His Son the Renowned and Mighty Bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the Beautiful Princess-Swan - is indicative of the fantastical content of the opera. It is an old-fashioned Russian treat for the eyes and the ears from the country’s most long-standing musical institution. Filled with colourful music that is typical of Rimsky-Korsakov’s style, it is the origin of the instantly recognisable Flight of the Bumblebee, which arrives when the magic Swan-Princess changes Prince Gvidon Saltanovich into an insect.