L’Europe peut-elle rester la même si sa population change ? Selon Christopher Caldwell, la réponse est non.
Une Révolution sous nos yeux constitue la première analyse sans concession des bouleversements colossaux induits par les vagues d’immigration à dominante musulmane que connaît l’Europe de l’Ouest et la France en particulier, depuis un demi-siècle. …
Walk on the Wild Side: The Best of Lou Reed was the standard record company "hits" compilation surveying Reed's five-year, eight-album sojourn at RCA from 1972 to 1976. Its 11 songs included two from Lou Reed, three from Transformer (among them, of course, this album's title track, Reed's sole chart hit), one from Berlin, two from Rock N Roll Animal (one of which is "Sweet Jane" minus the introductory fanfare), and the title tracks from Sally Can't Dance and Coney Island Baby, plus the previously non-LP B-side "Nowhere at All." It was a bulletproof selection, as unimaginative as it was dependable, which oddly was why it worked so well.
Walk on the Wild Side: The Best of Lou Reed was the standard record company "hits" compilation surveying Reed's five-year, eight-album sojourn at RCA from 1972 to 1976. Its 11 songs included two from Lou Reed, three from Transformer (among them, of course, this album's title track, Reed's sole chart hit), one from Berlin, two from Rock N Roll Animal (one of which is "Sweet Jane" minus the introductory fanfare), and the title tracks from Sally Can't Dance and Coney Island Baby, plus the previously non-LP B-side "Nowhere at All." It was a bulletproof selection, as unimaginative as it was dependable, which oddly was why it worked so well.
Comment tourner définitivement la page du taylorisme et de son héritage encore très présent aujourd'hui ? L'entreprise libérée offre-t-elle une réponse pertinente ou se réduit-elle à un effet de mode ? En ce début de XXIe siècle, les transformations à l'oeuvre dans l'environnement de l'entreprise lui imposent de revisiter en profondeur ses pratiques de management des hommes et des organisations. …