This is a truly thrilling performance of a rare Rossini opera. I listened to it twice through upon receiving it. I can understand why it is rarely performed, although this is a live performance. One needs to marshall a tremendous cast to pull this opera off satisfactorily. Renee Fleming is the only female voice in the cast and shines in her role as the sorceress. The various tenors, and in particular Carlo Bosi, all perform with total commitment and are endowed with the skill to execute Rossini's twists and turns with apparent ease. To be quite honest, I don't even care about the story line; many of them are silly anyway. However, if you want to listen to glorious voices performing difficult music with seeming ease and agility, this recording will thrill you as it did me.
Complete collection of Caruso's performance. the original recording untouched by digital reprocessing makes it even more attractive to me. it makes a great contrast to modern recordings of the contemporary tenors. the modern recording sound so artificial and computer enhanced in comparison - one might as week call them computer generated arias.