Widor wrote music for a wide variety of instruments and ensembles (some of his songs for voice and piano are especially notable) and composed four operas and a ballet, but only his works for organ are played with any regularity today. These include: ten organ symphonies, three symphonies for orchestra with organ, Suite Latine, Trois Nouvelles Pièces, and six arrangements of works by Bach under the title Bach's Memento (1925). The organ symphonies are his most significant contribution to the organ repertoire.
Faisant suite à Le Code Sacré du Tarot ~ La Redécouverte de la Nature Originelle du Tarot de Marseille (2011, 2021), ce second livre très attendu du créateur du Tarot de Marseille Edition Millennium ~ La régénération du Tarot de Marseille traditionnel, apporte un éclairage sans précédent sur la géométrie sacrée, la philosophie, et le symbolisme des mystérieux Arcanes de ce multiséculaire Maître-jeu initiatique. Cet ouvrage présente en outre une approche approfondie - tenant compte des découvertes les plus récentes - de l'histoire documentée des cartes à jouer et du Tarot, …
Orlande Lassus (here called Orlando di Lasso) would be at the top of the pop charts in the latter half of the seventeenth century if such records had been kept; there was a certain time when some of Lassus' tunes were known to average European citizens as well as a Beatles song might be familiar to the ordinary listener in the early twenty first century. In Capriccio's Orlando di Lasso: German Songs expert period band Lautten Compagney, with the help of singers Mona Spågele, Bernhard Landauer, Wilfried Jochens, and Thomas Herberich attempt to put over a program of what Lassus' popularly oriented German lieder may have sounded like in their time.
Michael Haydn wrote over forty symphonies and a number of concerti, and this new release for Phoenix Edition courtesy of the WDR Cologne Broadcasts features a selection of exuberant instrumental works; the Organ Concerto in C Major and selection of Symphonies. Michael Haydn is clearly a composer to be admired and cherished.