"La facilité de lecture est de règle dans les Lettres depuis le règne de la hâte générale et des feuilles qui entraînent ou harcèlent ce mouvement. Tout le monde tend à ne lire que ce que tout le monde aurait pu écrire.
From the face of it, Aulis Sallinen's interest in composing chamber music drops off precipitously in the mid-'80s as his symphonies and operas began to take hold in the international market. This would be a pity if it were entirely true, as it was through the chamber music medium that Sallinen made his initial reputation through such masterpieces as the String Quartets No. 3 ("Some Aspects of Peltoniemi Hintrik's Funeral March"), No. 4 ("Quiet Songs"), and the cello solo Elegy for Sebastian Knight. CPO's Aulis Sallinen: Chamber Musics III, IV, V, performed by members of the Virtuosi di Kuhmo under the general direction of pianist Ralf Gothóni, makes clear that Sallinen's later chamber music is not so much absent as it is in hiding, disguised as concertante works for soloist and string orchestra.
Cabbalism III (Leuven) was originally released as a limited edition. NWW always felt that this recording was the best of the 3 Cabbalism shows & over the years many people have complained of its unavailabilty, so here it is , with the addition of an extra track - Cabbalism IV. This was made by Colin Potter using sources from all three Cabbalism recordings, mixed and mastered at IC Studio, London 2020.