Cartoon is a Brazilian quartet whose style resembles that of Os Mutantes - an experimental psychedelic band at the center of Brazil's rock-tinged 'tropicalia' movement in the late 60's. Cartoon's sound is a combination of rock, classical and Brazilian music that features exotic instruments alongside the traditional rock staple of bass, guitar, keyboards and drums. With their humour and impromptu musical happenings, their live shows are reputed to be real attention getters - befitting the band's name. Their second album, "Bigorna" (subtitled 'The Real History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table') is a concept album, a spoof on the legend of King Arthur - nothing remotely similar to Rick Wakeman's solemn "Myths and Legends". Very irreverently, the band plays fast and furious, showing flashes of Zappa, Alex Harvey, The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Splitz Enz all mixed together…
Cartoon is a Brazilian quartet whose style resembles that of Os Mutantes - an experimental psychedelic band at the center of Brazil's rock-tinged 'tropicalia' movement in the late 60's. Cartoon's sound is a combination of rock, classical and Brazilian music that features exotic instruments alongside the traditional rock staple of bass, guitar, keyboards and drums. With their humour and impromptu musical happenings, their live shows are reputed to be real attention getters - befitting the band's name. Their second album, "Bigorna" (subtitled 'The Real History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table') is a concept album, a spoof on the legend of King Arthur - nothing remotely similar to Rick Wakeman's solemn "Myths and Legends". Very irreverently, the band plays fast and furious, showing flashes of Zappa, Alex Harvey, The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Splitz Enz all mixed together…
Cartoon is a Brazilian quartet whose style resembles that of Os Mutantes - an experimental psychedelic band at the center of Brazil's rock-tinged 'tropicalia' movement in the late 60's. Cartoon's sound is a combination of rock, classical and Brazilian music that features exotic instruments alongside the traditional rock staple of bass, guitar, keyboards and drums. With their humour and impromptu musical happenings, their live shows are reputed to be real attention getters - befitting the band's name. Their second album, "Bigorna" (subtitled 'The Real History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table') is a concept album, a spoof on the legend of King Arthur - nothing remotely similar to Rick Wakeman's solemn "Myths and Legends". Very irreverently, the band plays fast and furious, showing flashes of Zappa, Alex Harvey, The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Splitz Enz all mixed together…
I saw the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors (a lot), Country Joe and the Fish, Jefferson Airplane and many other groups too numerous to name in the '60's and '70's but when people ask me who put on the the most energetic, entertaining live show, it was Brownsville Station. Brownsville Station, led by Cubby Koda and Michael Lutz, with TJ Cronley and Tony Driggins played the grand venue of the Falls Church (Virginia) Community Center in the early 70's. What a show! They were Led Zeppelin playing loud "electric" high energy versions of fifties boogie rock! And they knew how to rock and roll.