170 recettes de l'école du Cordon bleu déclinant le chocolat sous toutes ses formes : gâteaux et moelleux, tartes, crèmes et mousses, desserts glacés, bonbons, boissons. Avec des conseils sur des techniques de base et des idées de variantes. Un livre aux tranches argentées et à la couverture découpée. …
A l'occasion des 75 ans du texte de Saint-Exupéry Le Petit Prince, l'écrivain propose un roman à clés dans lequel il passe en revue les hypothèses, les présumés coupables et les mobiles qui ont pu entraîner la mort du héros du conte. …
Intense, is a word that comes to mind when listen to this YES-influenced classic from the seventies. The band simply doesn't slow down for a minute as they rush through the multiple sections in each song. My only complaint is that they should have considered releasing an Italian version (like the MAXOPHONE album) of the album. The English vocals are okay (the accents are fine), but the music is really screaming for some Italian. If you're in the mood for YES-influenced music done with the energy, and optimism, of the 70's Italian prog scene then you will love this CD. ~ Steve Hegede
"Le Petit Prince", dont on fête les 75 ans de l’édition française, est la fiction la plus traduite au monde, dans 318 langues selon les ayants droit d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. …
Mardi Gras is the seventh and final studio album by American band Creedence Clearwater Revival, released on April 11, 1972. Unlike previous albums, Mardi Gras had Stu Cook and Doug Clifford sharing songwriting and production with John Fogerty, as well as their own lead vocal contributions for the first time. Following the album's release, the group was officially dissolved on October 16, 1972 in a statement released by the group and its record label Fantasy Records. Mardi Gras is the only album by the band that was not remastered and reissued until the 40th anniversary of their formation, in 2008.