Mon Crime

The Crime Is Mine  Movies

Posted by at May 27, 2024
The Crime Is Mine

The Crime Is Mine (2023)
In 1930s Paris, Madeleine, a pretty, young, penniless and talentless actress, is accused of murdering a famous producer. Helped by her best friend Pauline, a young unemployed lawyer, she is acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. A new life of fame and success begins, until the truth comes out.
Crime  Comedy  Mystery  Drama 

The Colonel  Movies

Posted by at Dec. 4, 2021
The Colonel

The Colonel (2006)
A "Reformed Colonel" is found dead in Paris, a couple of decades after Algeria's struggle for independence was won from France. Lieutenant Galois is assigned the investigation of this murder. She receives the diary of Lieutenent Guy Rossi who served under The Colonel in Algeria in 1956, and has been reported as missing in action since 1957. The revelations found in Rossi's diary go far beyond The Colonel's actions in Algeria, and give an insight on how dirty Algeria's War for Independence really was.
Crime  Drama  History  War 

Everybody Knows  Movies

Posted by at Aug. 27, 2023
Everybody Knows

Everybody Knows (2018)
Laura, a Spanish woman living in Buenos Aires, returns to her hometown outside Madrid with her Argentinian husband and children. However, the trip is upset by unexpected events that bring secrets into the open.
Crime  Drama  Mystery  Thriller 

The Immortal  Movies

Posted by at March 14, 2022
The Immortal

The Immortal (2019)
After reuniting with his first mentor Bruno and receiving his latest mission, an exiled Ciro is left to fearlessly confront whatever comes his way, navigating a new chapter of gang warfare while grappling with devastating memories of loss and trauma. Weaving between his past as an orphan in Naples' cruel underworld and present as a hardened, cunning assassin with nothing left to lose, Ciro is plunged into the cold, dark depths of a world where immortality is just another form of damnation.
Crime  Drama  Thriller 

Bent  Movies

Posted by at Feb. 11, 2025

Bent (2018)
On his latest private investigation, a shamed former cop connects a murder case to a government conspiracy involving rogue agents from a top spy agency.
Thriller  Crime 

Ghost in the Shell (2017)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at Aug. 20, 2017
Ghost in the Shell (2017)

Ghost in the Shell (2017)
A Film by Rupert Sanders
BDRip 720p | x265 MKV | 1280 x 720 | HEVC @ 2910 Kbps | 01:46:33 | 5% Recovery | 2.7 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps | Subtitles: English, Italian (.srt)
BDRip 1080p | x265 MKV | 1920 x 1080 | HEVC @ 5862 Kbps | 01:46:57 | 5% Recovery | 5.0 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps | Subtitles: English, Italian (.srt)
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama

Major è un singolare ibrido umano-cyborg delle operazioni speciali a capo della task force d'élite Section 9. Dedicato a contrastare i più pericolosi criminali ed estremisti, Section 9 affronta un nemico il cui unico obiettivo è eliminare gli sviluppi di cyber tecnologia della Hanka Robotic.

Legami di sangue / Deadfall (2012)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at April 17, 2017
Legami di sangue / Deadfall (2012)

Legami di sangue / Deadfall (2012)
A Film by Stefan Ruzowitzky
BDRip | AVI | 720 x 304 | Xvid @ 1950 Kbps | 01:34:26 | 5% Recovery | 1.7 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps | Subtitles: English, Italian (.srt)
BDRip 720p | x264 MKV | 1280 x 544 | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC @ 3635 Kbps | 01:34:26 | 5% Recovery | 3.9 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) DTS @ 1536 Kbps CBR ; Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps CBR | Subtitles: Italian, English
Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller

In seguito a una rapina a un casinò finita male, Addison (Eric Bana) e la sorella Liza (Olivia Wilde) sono in fuga con il bottino, inseguiti dalla polizia. Durante uno scontro, lui non esita a uccidere un agente e da quel momento decidono di proseguire ognuno per conto loro, prendendo strade differenti. Mentre Addison semina il caos per tutto il Paese, Liza riesce a farsi dare un passaggio da Jay (Charlie Hunnam), un ex pugile che sta rientrando a casa dei genitori…

Blood Father (2016)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at March 20, 2017
Blood Father (2016)

Blood Father (2016)
A Film by Jean-François Richet
BDRip | AVI | 720 x 304 | Xvid @ 1951 Kbps | 01:28:13 | 5% Recovery | 1.6 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps | Subtitles: English, Italian (.srt)
BDRip 720p | x264 MKV | 1280 x 536 | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC @ 4471 Kbps | 01:28:13 | 5% Recovery | 4.1 GB
Audio: Italian (dubbed) DTS @ 1536 Kbps; Italian (dubbed) AC3 @ 640 Kbps CBR | Subtitles: Italian, English
Genre: Drama, Action, Crime

Il film racconta la storia di un uomo sbandato e dal passato violento, che deve rimettersi in sesto e imbracciare nuovamente le armi per salvare sua figlia da un gruppo di perfidi trafficanti di droga che hanno rapito sua figlia. Dopo che il fidanzato la inguaia per aver rubato una fortuna al cartello del narcotraffico, la diciottenne Lydia è costretta a darsi alla fuga trovando un solo alleato: il padre John, un motociclista ubriacone, drogato e fuorilegge. Determinato a proteggere la figlia da ogni male, John per una volta in vita sua farà la cosa giusta.
I, Pierre Rivière, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother…

I, Pierre Rivière, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother… (1976)
Based on documents compiled by leading French philosopher Michel Foucault, this unique and original film charts the gruesome events which took place in a Normandy village in 1835, when a young man, Pierre Rivière, murdered his mother, sister and brother before fleeing to the countryside. With a cast made up of real-life villagers from the area where the events took place, the detailed re-enactments and careful attention to the gestures of their ancestors serve to create an intense and sometimes disturbing atmosphere of hyper-realism. Details of the crime and of the trial that followed are told from varied perspectives, including the written confession of Pierre himself, and form a rich and complex narrative that interrogates the concepts of “truth” and “history”.
Crime  Drama 

Nell'Ombra Di Un Delitto / Exposed (2016)  Movies

Posted by edi1967 at March 1, 2017
Nell'Ombra Di Un Delitto / Exposed (2016)

Nell'Ombra Di Un Delitto / Exposed (2016)
A Film by Gee Malik Linton
BDRip 720p | MKV | 1280 x 536 | AVC @ 4767 Kbps | 01:42:12 | 5% Recovery | 5.0 GB
Audio: Italian DTS @ 1536 Kbps; Italian AC3 @ 640 Kbps CBR | Subtitles: English, Italian
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mistery

Kate Mara interpreta il ruolo di una dipendente di una corporation specializzata nella risoluzione di problemi, inviata in un laboratorio segretissimo e isolato dove deve investigare su alcuni incidenti avvenuti, che potrebbero essere stati causati da una giovane di nome Morgan: apparentemente una ragazza normale ma che in realtà cela un lato pericolosissimo.