Une critique du mouvement woke qui s'est développé aux Etats-Unis. L'auteur s'appuie sur des textes, des thèses, des conférences et des essais afin de dénoncer cette vague d'intolérance venue des universités américaines et qui influence les entreprises, les médias et la culture, contaminant le monde occidental. …
BGO's 2013 two-fer She Even Woke Me Up to Say Goodbye/There Must Be More to Love Than This combines Jerry Lee Lewis' 1970 album with its 1971 sequel, both ranking among his finest country efforts. She Even Woke Me Up to Say Goodbye slightly edges out its sequel in terms of consistency, partially because it's anchored on a couple of major hits ("Once More with Feeling," "She Even Woke Me Up to Say Goodbye"), but There Must Be More to Love Than This is no slouch, containing a bunch of pure hard country, lots of barroom weepers and barrelhouse rockers.
Raven's 2002 two-fer CD reissue of Jerry Lee Lewis' 1968 album Another Place Another Time and 1970's She Even Woke Me Up to Say Goodbye contains the added bonus of six tracks – over half the album – from 1969's She Still Comes Around (To Love What's Left of Me). By doing this, the disc transcends typical two-fer status (which, frankly, would have been enough, since these two albums are so tremendous, their first CD release is something to celebrate) and becomes the best single-disc collection of Jerry Lee's country material. There have been other discs that tackle the same recordings for Smash (all unfortunately out of print as of this writing), but their scope was a little broader, including many of his '70s hits for Mercury as well as Smash sides unheard here.
Originellement le terme woke est associé aux luttes anti-raciales des Afro-Américains et revêt un sens positif. Il est aujourd'hui utilisé de façon péjorative pour attaquer toutes les formes d'engagement contre les discriminations. Connu sur les réseaux sociaux sous le pseudonyme Pandov Strochnis, l'auteur explique comment répondre aux attaques réactionnaires. …