am Sonntag Nach

Jordi Savall, Le Concert des Nations - Johann Sebastian Bach: Weihnachts-Oratorium (2020)

Jordi Savall, Le Concert des Nations - Johann Sebastian Bach: Weihnachts-Oratorium (2020)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 844 Mb | Total time: 02:23:53 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Alia Vox | # AVSA9940 | Recorded: 2019

Johann Sebastian Bach composed six cantatas for the Christmas holidays in 1734, to have one performed for each particular holiday during services in the main churches of Leipzig, St. Thomas and St. Nicholas. Both the narrative march of the Gospel and the tonality in which the musical framework was composed, give the cantatas a character of an autonomous cycle that Jordi Savall and his groups face for the first time.

V.A. - Swinging Hamburg: Jazz In Hamburg Von A-Z (18CDs, 2006)  Music

Posted by Discograf_man at July 13, 2017
V.A. - Swinging Hamburg: Jazz In Hamburg Von A-Z (18CDs, 2006)

V.A. - Swinging Hamburg: Jazz In Hamburg Von A-Z (18CDs, 2006)
Jazz, Swing | MP3 CBR 320 kbps | 3,12 Gb
Label: Membran

Die Hamburger Jazzszene ihre Vielfalt und Lebendigkeit bringen so manchen Musikliebhaber zum Schwärmen. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fanden sich in der Stadt an der Elbe hunderte spielhungriger Bands zusammen, für die bald auch unzählige Auftrittsorte entstanden. Der Cotton Club oder Dennis Swing Club wer kennt sie nicht? Für die Fans des Hamburger Jazz und alle, die mehr darüber erfahren möchten, entstand diese umfangreiche Kollektion. In Wort, Bild und Ton wird der Werdegang einer einmaligen Szene lebendig: von der Zeit, als die Hafenstadt in Trümmern lag, bis hin zum Sound von heute. Sie halten ein Set in Händen, das aus 18 CDs und einem 300 Seiten starken Buch besteht.
VA - Forbidden But Not Forgotten: Forbidden Music During the Third Reich (2015)

VA - Forbidden But Not Forgotten: Forbidden Music During the Third Reich (2015)
EAC Rip | FLAC (tracks, cue, log, scans) - 2.1 GB | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 1.4 GB
10:00:21 | Classical, Music Hall, Musical, Operetta, Opera, Modern | Label: Documents

National Socialism had devised its own notion of the value of German art and culture. This was ruthlessly put into practice when the Nazis took over power in 1933. The more than 175 "degenerate" recorded musical items in this extraordinary 10-CD box set, 'Forbidden But Not Forgotten', relate to the shocking consequences due to that "cleansing". The burning of the Reichstag (7th April) provided the pretext for the prosecution of all who held other political opinions, for the burning of books (10th May) whose authors were on the index of disfavoured and banned writers, for the law that amended entry to the civil service (7th April) that excluded all non-Aryans and led to wholesale dismissals of Jews, especially in orchestras, the administration, among singers, conductors and instrumentalists. By means of the exhibitions "Degenerate Art" (Munich, 1937) and "Degenerate Music" (Düsseldorf, 1938) art and artists who were now to have no place in Nazi Germany were pilloried.

Marlene Dietrich - Einfach das Beste (2000)  Music

Posted by tirexiss at June 25, 2019
Marlene Dietrich - Einfach das Beste (2000)

Marlene Dietrich - Einfach das Beste (2000)
EAC | FLAC (tracks+.cue, log) - 246 MB | MP3 (CBR 320 kbps) - 114 MB | Covers Included | 35:30
Genre: Pop, Chanson | Label: Columbia | Catalog: 498368 2

Wer sich Musik von Marlene Dietrich kauft, weiss nie so recht, wann die Aufnahmen entstanden sind und aus welchem ursprünglichen Zusammenhang sie stammen. "Einfach das Beste" ist eine stimmige Zusammenstellung, müsste aber eigentlich das "Berlin-Album" genannt werden. Es ist keine eigentliche "Best Of", sondern eine CD mit 14 Liedern, die sich inhaltlich hauptsächlich um Marlenes Heimatstadt Berlin drehen.
Herbert von Karajan - Complete Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon (2008) (240 CDs Box Set)

Herbert von Karajan - Complete Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon (2008) (240 CDs Box Set)
EAC Rip | FLAC (Image+.cue, log) | 240 CDs, 255:34:35 min | 65,4 Gb | Scans -> 696 mb
Genre: Classical / Label: Universal Music

Karajan’s Deutsche Grammophon complete recordings is recorded on chronological order. From the “Magic Flute” overture of the 1938 recording used as first recording to the recording of the last in 1989, and the Symphony No.7 of Bruckner. There is no selling separately. It becomes ordering limited production.

Kicker – 11. November 2019  Magazines

Posted by Keves at Nov. 11, 2019
Kicker – 11. November 2019

Kicker – 11. November 2019
German | 107 pages | True PDF | 70.7 MB

«Ein schönes Paar» by Gert Loschütz  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Sept. 9, 2019
«Ein schönes Paar» by Gert Loschütz

«Ein schönes Paar» by Gert Loschütz
Deutsch | ISBN: 9788726091298 | MP3@64 kbps | 12h 13m | 335.9 MB

«Das Buch der Gleichnisse» by Per Olov Enquist  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Oct. 10, 2019
«Das Buch der Gleichnisse» by Per Olov Enquist

«Das Buch der Gleichnisse» by Per Olov Enquist
Deutsch | ISBN: 9788711337998 | MP3@64 kbps | 6h 55m | 190.0 MB

VA - Swinging Hamburg (2004) (18 CDs Box Set)  Music

Posted by murena at Oct. 6, 2018
VA - Swinging Hamburg (2004) (18 CDs Box Set)

VA - Swinging Hamburg (2004) (18 CDs Box Set)
EAC Rip | FLAC (Image+.cue, log) | 18 CDs, 23:09:37 min | Covers included | 7,47 Gb
Genre: Jazz, Traditional Jazz, Swing / Label: Membran Music

60 years of music and culture history on 18 CD's with 300 pages thick book. The Hamburg Jazz Scene - their diversity and vitality bring so many music lovers swoon . After the Second World War found themselves in the city on the Elbe hundreds of hungry bands play together , created for the soon also countless venues . The Cotton Club or Dennis ' Swing Club - who does not? For the fans of the Hamburg Jazz and all those who want to learn more about this comprehensive collection has been developed .

Kicker – 07. April 2022  Magazines

Posted by Keves at April 7, 2022
Kicker – 07. April 2022

Kicker – 07. April 2022
German | 67 pages | True PDF | 32.9 MB