Si tratta di una collezione di record in cui le grandi canzoni e grandi cantanti che andavano di moda 1960-1969 in Italia e poi invaso il spettro musicale internazionale, che sarebbe stato sviluppato e l'accettazione del pubblico sono raccolti.
35-CD super-budget limited edition box set the perfect way to build your library of essential listening!Comprehensive overview of the violin including concertos, sonatas and even encore pieces.Includes world famous artists such as Joshua Bell and Gidon Kremer.
Attorno alla metà del '700 Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785) era il compositore più completo, di maggiore successo, e il più significativo dell'Italia settentrionale. La fama della sua attività come compositore di opere serie giunse a Londra, dove fu chiamato nel 1741, e a S. Pietroburgo dove Caterina di Russia lo volle nel 1765.Nel 1749 Galuppi iniziò la collaborazione, assai fruttifera, con Carlo Goldoni, dalla quale trasse materia per una dozzina di opere buffe, genere al quale il "Buranello" attese nella parte finale della propria carriera.
Handel’s Ottone was one of the most popular operas of the composer’s career, with 34 known performances during his lifetime, beaten only by the 53 performances of Rinaldo. The premiere run in 1723 featured superstar Italian soloists including Senesino and Cuzzoni, and coincided with (and was perhaps the cause of) the height of London’s opera madness, with tickets changing hands for increasingly high prices on the black market. This recording of the 1723 version (Handel adapted the opera in later years for different singers) features James Bowman at the peak of his powers in the title role.
Handel composed Agrippina at the end of a three-year sojourn in Italy. It premiered in Venice at the Teatro San Giovanni Grisostomo on 26 December 1709. It proved an immediate success and an unprecedented series of 27 consecutive performances followed. Observers praised the quality of the music—much of which, in keeping with the contemporary custom, had been borrowed and adapted from other works, including the works of other composers. Despite the evident public enthusiasm for the work, Handel did not promote further stagings.
Commozione umana e bel canto barocco nel più fortunato dei drammi sacri di Perti, composto nel 1685, poi rimaneggiato e rieseguito più volte fino al 1718.
A series of "Super Hits Collection" is a gift edition of popular music. In each CD 20 best songs of world-famous performers. Have a nice listening!
Born in 1804, Louise Farrenc became a professional-standard pianist while still a teenager, and later music teacher to the household of the Duke d’Orléans and from 1842 professor of piano at the Paris Conservatoire. Her substantial legacy of composition was largely forgotten after her death in 1875 and is only now being revived. She wrote mainly in the field of orchestral and chamber music: ‘I would defy anyone,’ says the pianist Linda Di Carlo in a personal introduction to this new recording of Farrenc’s music for violin and piano, ‘to cast aspersions on the chamber music in particular on the grounds of her gender.’