One of the most 'hidden' and sought after releases of all times is finally getting a due repress: a work of epic proportions, Ennio Morricone's and Bruno Nicolai's "Dimensioni Sonore" has been eluding collectors and affectionate listeners for about 50 years.
Many of the members from the Rock Progressive Italiano band Sezione Frenante played in the band known as Nuove Dimensioni which was founded in 1974 and disbanded in 1978. The new incarnation formed in 2006, and under the name of Sezione Frenante, have released 2 albums; their debut album in 2014, which consists of both old and new compositions, and in May of 2019, they have released their 2nd album named after their old band name Nuove Dimensioni.
Nuove Dimensioni (a.k.a. New Dimensions) is an intriguing progressive work, with colourful arrangements, that thematically investigates the origins of the universe, the depths of space, the nature of time and the fate of black holes.
The five orchestral works in this comprehensive anthology have a common nucleus pointing to the core interests which Bruno Maderna pursued from 1954 to 1966: experiments with a post-serial harmonic vocabulary, and a search for dramatic structures. This CD includes Composition in Three Tempi, Concerto for Flute and Orchestra, Aria, Dimension III and Stele per Diotima.
The five orchestral works in this comprehensive anthology have a common nucleus pointing to the core interests which Bruno Maderna pursued from 1954 to 1966: experiments with a post-serial harmonic vocabulary, and a search for dramatic structures. This CD includes Composition in Three Tempi, Concerto for Flute and Orchestra, Aria, Dimension III and Stele per Diotima.
Non è un’operazione nostalgica e nemmeno un revival la ricognizione che da qualche anno Ernst Reijseger al violoncello, Angelo Conto al pianoforte e Simone Bosco alla batteria e percussioni, conducono nel proprio percorso musicale; piuttosto sembra una trovata per dire e proporre musica di un certo spessore. Certo non si può proprio pensare ad architetture sonore nuove di pacca, ma l’operazione odora di ricerca, tenta di restituire agli ascoltatori un aspetto culturale slegato dai meri contenuti di mercato di cui la musica è da diversi anni traboccante. Nascono così musiche ben diverse e nuove dimensioni, derivate dal felice incontro dell’interplay jazzistico e quello della musica d’avanguardia, imperniata sul gioco della variazione e microvariazione di cellule tematiche.
Hidden deep within Ennio Morricone’s vast discography, far from his overground cinematic successes and accomplished pop dalliances, far from the sheen and glare of Cinecittà and Hollywood, lays the maestro’s most singular and most strikingly beautiful recording.