Elizabeth Gaskell

Elizabeth Gaskell - Lois la strega (2016)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by edi1967 at Jan. 13, 2018
Elizabeth Gaskell - Lois la strega (2016)

Elizabeth Gaskell - Lois la strega (2016)
Italian | 2016 | 128 pages | ISBN-10: 8869931927 | True PDF | 2.2 MB

Rimasta orfana di entrambi i genitori, Lois è costretta a lasciare l'amata casa del padre, pastore anglicano, e a partire per l'America, dove sarà accolta dagli zii puritani che vivono nel villaggio di Salem. La giovane, onesta e timorata di Dio, fa fatica fin da subito ad adattarsi alla nuova vita oltreoceano, in particolare nell'incontro con una parte della sua famiglia a lei sconosciuta, che scopre essere dominata dall'egoismo, dal sospetto, dalla discordia e dalla gelosia.
«Elizabeth Gaskell: The Complete Novels (Golden Deer Classics)» by Elizabeth Gaskell, Golden Deer Classics

«Elizabeth Gaskell: The Complete Novels (Golden Deer Classics)» by Elizabeth Gaskell, Golden Deer Classics
English | EPUB | 2.1 MB

«Round the Sofa» by Elizabeth Gaskell  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Oct. 24, 2022
«Round the Sofa» by Elizabeth Gaskell

«Round the Sofa» by Elizabeth Gaskell
English | MP3@192 kbps | 16h 08m | 1330.7 MB

«The Complete Works (Illustrated Edition)» by Elizabeth Gaskell  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Nov. 24, 2022
«The Complete Works (Illustrated Edition)» by Elizabeth Gaskell

«The Complete Works (Illustrated Edition)» by Elizabeth Gaskell
English | EPUB | 9.1 MB

«A Dark Night's Work» by Elizabeth Gaskell  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at March 14, 2020
«A Dark Night's Work» by Elizabeth Gaskell

«A Dark Night's Work» by Elizabeth Gaskell
English | ISBN: 9783962177959 | EPUB | 0.4 MB
«3 Books To Know Victorian Women» by August Nemo, Elizabeth Gaskell, Emily Jane Brontë, George Eliot

«3 Books To Know Victorian Women» by August Nemo, Elizabeth Gaskell, Emily Jane Brontë, George Eliot
English | EPUB | 1.5 MB

«The Grey Woman» by Elizabeth Gaskell  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at July 3, 2022
«The Grey Woman» by Elizabeth Gaskell

«The Grey Woman» by Elizabeth Gaskell
English | EPUB | 0.3 MB
Performativity in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Shorter Fiction: A Case Study in the Uses of Theory

Performativity in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Shorter Fiction: A Case Study in the Uses of Theory by Melissa Schaub
English | PDF,EPUB | 2019 | 84 Pages | ISBN : 3030263134 | 1.43 MB

This book simultaneously examines the specific theoretical issues raised by Elizabeth Gaskell’s use of characterization in her shorter fiction, and addresses the larger question of how literary critics ought to use theory. The text gives a history of Judith Butler’s theory of performativity and the uptake of that theory in literary criticism, and also provides detailed close reading of Gaskell’s fiction—both frequently examined texts like Cranford, Mary Barton, and Wives and Daughters, and some that are less often studied, such as “Lizzie Leigh” and Cousin Phillis.
«Elizabeth Gaskell: The Complete Novels (Golden Deer Classics)» by Elizabeth Gaskell,Golden Deer Classics

«Elizabeth Gaskell: The Complete Novels (Golden Deer Classics)» by Elizabeth Gaskell,Golden Deer Classics
English | ISBN: 9788822854131 | EPUB | 2.3 MB
«3 books to know Industrial Revolution» by August Nemo, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Friedrich Engels

«3 books to know Industrial Revolution» by August Nemo, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Friedrich Engels
English | EPUB | 1.5 MB