This John Dexter production was premiered in 1975 and filmed in 1984. The incomparable Leontyne Price delivered a series of unforgettable performances as Leonora, imprinting the role with the uniqueness of her voice and her superlative acting. James Levine's conducting was hailed by The New York Times for being "full of drive and fire" with "the grandeur of the magnificent score coming through."
Verdi’s Requiem is a work of white-hot dramatic intensity, infused with his lifetime of composing opera. His approach to religion is explosive, emotional, and full of temperament and fear, the latter being wonderfully conveyed by López-Cobos in this concert performance.
Verdi’s Requiem is a work of white-hot dramatic intensity, infused with his lifetime of composing opera. His approach to religion is explosive, emotional, and full of temperament and fear, the latter being wonderfully conveyed by López-Cobos in this concert performance.
Chenier was the role with which Del Monaco changed singing by introducing a technique taught by Arturo Melocchi, based on singing with the larynx kept low, at the bottom of the neck. It gave Del Monaco a powerful, brassy, thick, muscular, penetrating sound.
In March 1949 Del Monaco sang Chenier at La Scala. His performances excited the public and marked a changing of the guard. Gigli sang his final Scala performances in 1947, as Chenier. His object and that of the tenors he influenced was, above all, to caress you. Del Monaco's was to excite you.
This 1979 Norma features Renata Scotto in one of her very best recordings. She is in gorgeous vocal estate, with much exquisite pianissimo singing above the stave. Surprisingly, Scotto is one of the few native Italians to essay this most difficult bel canto role, and she brings an innate understanding of the text and music .
Rave reviews have garnished Jonas Kaufmann’s career the last few years. Listening to his first recital disc, due for release on 14 January 2008, the day of his first Alfredo at Covent Garden, it is easy to see why. With film-star looks to match he seems predestined for great things. He has the classy Prague Philharmonic backing him, conducted by one of the more sought after Italian opera conductors of the younger generation.